What Should We Be Careful About When Buying Tangerines?

What Should We Be Careful About When Buying Tangerines?
What Should We Be Careful About When Buying Tangerines?

Tangerines come to Bulgaria only with Santa Claus. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s of the last century, you probably remember this refrain from Vladi Ampov's song - Grafa. These times, of course, are already in history, but we really still consume them today tangerines mainly in winter and on Christmas and New Year holidays.

However, these delicious small fruits are well known that they do not grow in our latitudes and before they reach the commercial network, they travel quite a distance.

When choosing tangerines, be very careful and inspect them well before putting them in the shopping bag. See if their shape is complete, if they have injuries and how saturated their color is. Do not take fruits that have stains, because this is a sign that they are old.

Tangerines should be firm, but their skin should be elastic to peel well. It is possible that even if they look fresh on the outside, they have already started to sour on the inside. Therefore, while feeling the fruit, you can press lightly with your thumb and if it sinks, do not buy. Also, don't be fooled that tangerines are fresh if they are on a twig with green leaves. Because, it turns out that they can retain their appearance for months after the fruit is picked.

What kind of tangerines to buy? Here are the specifics of the most popular:

Sunburst - these are medium-sized tangerines that have very few seeds. They taste very sweet and juicy. They are easy to peel, and a tangerine fits right in a handful of people. They are usually harvested in late autumn and early winter.

What should we be careful about when buying tangerines?
What should we be careful about when buying tangerines?

Satsuma - these tangerines have a redder rind, which is also very easy to separate from the fruit. They are smaller than Sunburst and can be easily injured if pressed. They have a lot of juice, and they are picked between August and December.

Murkot - this variety grows mainly in winter. They are medium in size, and in most cases have a lot of seeds. They are closest in taste to orange, so they are the preferred variety for making fresh juices.

Algerian tangerine - these are the smallest fruits you can find. They are literally eaten in one bite, but their bark is harder to peel. They have no seeds.

Honey tangerine - this is the sweetest variety of tangerines. They say it is a hybrid with orange, and their juice is very sticky.

Keep in mind that tangerines can be stored for up to 4 weeks at a temperature between 3 and 8 degrees Celsius. But if you want them really fresh, it's best to keep them in the fridge.
