Black Tea Or Coffee

Black Tea Or Coffee
Black Tea Or Coffee

How to start the day - with a cup of delicious black tea or hot aromatic coffee? Can we give up coffee in the name of black tea and what benefits will it actually bring us?

First of all, black tea contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and is rich in antioxidants. Because of these ingredients, black tea is useful in the spring - to save us from spring fatigue, as well as winter - when it will protect us from colds and flu.

In addition, black tea stimulates fat burning, and only two cups a day of the drink are a great choice for diabetes prevention. It is believed that the drink can protect the body from cancer.

This is the biggest advantage of tea over coffee. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the Medical Center of the University of Maryland.

In addition, black tea has a tonic effect, but has no effect on heart function. With regular use, cholesterol levels in the body will be normalized.


American experts claim that black tea can protect against cancer, stroke, depression, neurosis, cardiovascular disease. In addition, the drink cleanses the body of toxins.

And before you decide that despite its advantages over coffee, this mission is lost before you start it, because you can not give up an invigorating drink in the morning, keep in mind that black tea also contains caffeine. Yes, the amount is less, but you can always drink two cups of tea.

You also know how coffee stains teeth after consumption - black tea not only has no such effect, but can also be used as a prevention against caries. It is enough to rinse your mouth with it two or three times a day.

Another unsuspected advantage of black tea is that it strengthens bones, or so Australian scientists claim. According to the study, those who consume more tea than coffee have healthier bones and therefore less chance of developing osteoporosis.

Black tea is recommended for people who after drinking coffee begin to tremble, have a palpitation, stomach upset, etc. It is believed that tea can even relieve stress.
