Garlic And Hydrastis Help With Fungus

Garlic And Hydrastis Help With Fungus
Garlic And Hydrastis Help With Fungus

There is hardly a person who has not suffered from a fungal infection at least once in his life. The causes of this type of infection can be varied: medication (especially corticosteroids, hormonal drugs and antibiotics, which often together with pathogenic bacteria destroy and beneficial), diseases (allergies, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes), decreased immunity, improper diet, wearing tight clothes, etc.

Once developed fungal infection it is very likely to happen again - especially if you have not started timely treatment. The longer the fungus stays in your body, the less your immune system will react when it reappears, as it will already be used to it.

What can be the symptoms?

Because a fungal infection can affect different parts of your body, there are a variety of symptoms that accompany it. They can cover both the whole organism and only certain parts. Symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, restlessness, fear, distraction, memory loss, headache, muscle and joint pain, itching in the rectum, urinary tract infections, white patches on the tongue and throat, arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat.

Signs that appear in the digestive system include flatulence, belching, constipation or diarrhea, intestinal cramps, indigestion.

As for the respiratory system, fungal infection can lead to chronic runny nose, cough, sore throat, cold, asthma.

And the signs on the skin include eczema, itching, rashes, acne and fungal infections.


Garlic for fungi
Garlic for fungi

Very good results are given by the treatment, which combines traditional medicine and the application of herbs and other natural remedies.

Herbs are a very useful tool in the fight against fungi especially when they are prevalent in the digestive system.

As the most useful among herbs are distinguished garlic and the hydrastis.

Garlic can be taken raw or lightly processed or in the form of capsules.

Hydrastis in fungi
Hydrastis in fungi

The hydrastis can be taken in the form of tincture or tea. It is desirable to combine the two for a better result.

Be sure to consult your personal physician before you begin treatment with garlic and hydrastis.
