How To Store Eggs Longer

How To Store Eggs Longer
How To Store Eggs Longer

Properly stored eggs can last longer than a month. They may remain usable for up to 45 days after laying.

If you buy eggs, always check the expiration date on the package, because eating old eggs could cause gastrointestinal upset and salmonella.

Homemade eggs do not always have a clean shell, however, never wash them, except before immediate use. This is one of the first rules if you want to store your eggs properly.

On the shell of each egg there is a natural protective layer that protects its inside and if it is removed the probability of air and bacteria reaching there is much higher.

One of the tricks to keep eggs for longer is to lightly grease them with cotton wool soaked in oil. This is an effective method of preventing bacteria from entering the egg and losing moisture from it.

Never leave eggs at room temperature, because it turns out to be the most favorable temperature for bacteria to grow. One day left like that equals a week in the fridge.

It is best to store eggs in the refrigerator or basement, because this is the most favorable temperature for them. So they can last there for about 4-5 weeks.

Despite proper storage, you can always come across a rotten egg. That's why there are two tests you can do at home if you doubt their suitability.

Take a raw egg and dip it in a glass of water, if it sinks, then it is edible, if it floats above the water it is good to throw it away.

The other way to find out that the egg is spoiled is by breaking it in a separate container and if the yolk is whole and does not spill, then there is no problem to use it, but provided that it spills and you smell an unpleasant odor, it is certainly spoiled.

Properly processed and stored eggs rarely spoil, if you keep them long enough, they are more likely to simply dry out.
