How To Store Pasta To Last Longer

How To Store Pasta To Last Longer
How To Store Pasta To Last Longer

How to properly store pasta at home? Literally everyone loves from time to time to prepare a delicious pasta for dinner.

As pasta has a neutral taste, they can be a wonderful side dish to any type of meat, fish, seafood and even vegetables. Your dish, which includes this type of pasta, will never have an intrusive taste, especially if you add your favorite spices and sauces.

Shelf life of pasta:

Be careful when shopping - on each package must be marked the shelf life of the pasta.

If there are several markings on the package, it is better to refrain and avoid such purchases. The highest quality durum wheat paste has a shelf life of no more than 12 months.

Pasta, to which additional ingredients have been added, shall be stored for no more than 6 months. The most interesting thing is that the proper storage of this type of product requires that they be kept at a certain temperature.

Pasta without added eggs, milk, cottage cheese or other milk-based products is best stored at a temperature up to 20ºC. And pasta with similar types of additives are stored at a temperature of 12-14ºC.

How to store pasta to last longer
How to store pasta to last longer

The shelf life of such foods is up to 160 days. Pasta that contains green organic additives usually has a shelf life of up to 90 days.

How to store pasta?

The factory packaging of the paste it is usually airtight and there is no danger of moisture. Just in case, it is better not to store it in a damp place. Also avoid direct sunlight. If not stored properly, pasta can spoil.

Once you open them, we recommend that you move them to another envelope or storage box. It can be both glass and plastic. However, it is better to store in a glass container.
