Kachokawalo Cheese Production

Kachokawalo Cheese Production
Kachokawalo Cheese Production

Kachokawalo cheese is a delicious Italian cheese made from the milk of cows that graze on selected pastures. Fresh milk from Modicano cows is used. Fresh Kachokawalo cheese matures for 2-3 months, the semi-mature version matures for half a year, and the fully mature version, known as stagnant, for a year or more.

Kachokawalo is one of the most popular cheeses in Italy. It tastes slightly reminiscent of mozzarella, which is made from cow's milk and is known among Italians as fior di latte.

These two types of cheese are prepared differently and look different, but there are moments in their production that are similar. Both cow's cheese and Kachokawalo mozzarella are made by melting a coagulated thick milk mixture.

Kachokawalo cheese is made in a special shape that looks like a gourd, tightened at the top. It is this tight part that is wrapped with rope and allows the cheese to ripen and be stored by hanging high.

Production of Kachokawalo begins early in the morning when the milk just milked by the cows is heated. It is heated to a temperature of 39 degrees with the help of steam.

Kachokawalo cheese
Kachokawalo cheese

It is then fermented with yeast and after about 20 minutes a thick mixture is obtained, which is divided into pieces the size of a bean. The pieces are then fermented for 48 hours.

They turn back into a thick mixture, which is cut into strips. These strips are heated in hot water until they begin to stretch and turn into a homogeneous mass, which the Italians call pasta like pasta and spaghetti-type pasta.

Kachokawalo is a cheese that is made from the so-called pasta fillet - threads of cheese. How the cheese will be prepared depends on the craftsmanship of the producer. The vessel with the mixture is heated to 95 degrees and the paste is kneaded quickly to absorb as little water as possible.

Manufacturers usually stir in the hot water with their hands to mix the threads well. From these threads they make a rope, which they wind on their palm and form a ball. This ball is constantly melted in hot water to remain elastic, and is shaped like a gourd.

The gourds are then placed in a brine bowl with sea salt, where they remain overnight. The cheese is then removed and left to ripen at a temperature of up to 10 degrees. Depending on the degree of maturity, the cheese has a different taste.
