Products That Are Full Of Sodium

Products That Are Full Of Sodium
Products That Are Full Of Sodium

Sodium and potassium are elements involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Sodium also participates in the control over the work of nerves and muscles, prevents exhaustion and sunstroke during the heat. Our body gets it mainly from table salt and sodium compounds. Sodium deficiency is a rare phenomenon because the possibilities to get it with food are inexhaustible.

How valuable is this element?

Sodium is important for the body because of its ability to maintain blood flow. It helps deliver more blood to the muscles that are working. It is also useful in transporting valuable substances with nutritional value in them.

Foods that are rich in sodium

The cheeses have sodium
The cheeses have sodium

Through milk and its products, our body is most supplied with sodium. It is found in blue cheese, goat cheese, cow cheese, yellow cheese. 100 grams of bread or dough products provide half the daily need for sodium. From meats and their derivatives - smoked foods such as smoked salmon, smoked bacon, smoked sausage and others have the highest amount of sodium.

Necessary daily dose and excessive sodium intake with salty products

Recommended for the body dose of sodium per day is 2400 milligrams or this is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of salt. In fact, we accept much more. Surprisingly, most of the salt does not come from salting directly with salt, but covertly, through ready meals. For whom is it important to consider the most sodium intake?

Salt is a source of sodium
Salt is a source of sodium

If reduce sodium intake, this will help lower blood pressure and eliminate the risk of heart disease. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should be especially careful with salt. They have an increased risk of heart and kidney disease.

Foods that are rich in salt cause the body to retain extra water in an attempt to balance sodium in the body. This prevents weight loss, moreover, leads to obesity. Therefore, some foods should be avoided altogether or at least severely restricted.

Canned soup

Sodium in food
Sodium in food

All types of canned soups are very salty. There may be more salt in a soup than is the whole daily norm.

Canned vegetables

Large amounts of salt withis added to preserve vegetables for longer, and this makes them harmful. Frozen and fresh vegetables are the better option.

Spaghetti and tomato sauce

All canned tomatoes are filled with salt. It is better to give up vegetables out of season than to eat canned.

Barbecue sauce

Salami also has sodium
Salami also has sodium

Except those foods are full of sodium, ready-made sauces contain high-fructose corn syrup and other processed ingredients.

What should be avoided are processed foods. Fresh products as well as whole grains are their alternative.
