Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Rich In Zinc?

Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Rich In Zinc?
Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Rich In Zinc?

Zinc is one of the vital minerals for the human body. Thanks to it we have a sense of aroma and taste. It is one of the strengthening minerals for the immune system, involved in the processes of protein synthesis in the body. Zinc plays an important role in building DNA. It enhances the production of male testosterone and promotes cellular metabolism. It is necessary to have a balance in the intake of zinc, because in case of deficiency or overdose, unpleasant consequences occur.

Zinc deficiency and overdose - consequences of this

Zinc deficiency slows growth, leads men to impotence due to poor sperm counts, causes hair loss, eye and skin problems, decreased immune system and loss of appetite.

Zinc overdose prevents the body from absorbing copper and iron and thus creates many free radicals that damage cells and tissues. It is more appropriate the supply of zinc to be done with products of animal rather than vegetable origin.

Recommended daily doses of zinc

It is recommended that women take 8-12 milligrams of zinc daily

For men it is 11-15 milligrams.

Do not take more than 20 milligrams of zinc daily. At doses exceeding 40 milligrams, severe life-threatening changes occur.

Which fruits and vegetables have the most zinc?

Foods rich in zinc
Foods rich in zinc

We must first clarify that fruits and vegetables are not zinc-rich foods, which is why vegetarians cannot get enough zinc. People who do not eat meat should pay special attention to foods with which to obtain zinc, as the element is contained mainly in animal products. These are oysters, beef liver, beef, lamb, pork tenderloin, chicken breast and others.

Vegetables containing zinc

Vegetables rich in zinc
Vegetables rich in zinc

However, there are some vegetables in which zinc is in better quantities. These are some legumes, including peas, soybeans and white beans. 200 grams of soy contains about 9 milligrams of zinc, the same amount in soy and white beans. Other vegetables from which zinc can be provided are green beans, with the content of the element in 200 grams is about 1 milligram, in asparagus and Brussels sprouts - about 0.5 milligrams per 200 grams of vegetables. Corn also contains some trace elements, about 0.7 milligrams per 200 grams. In potatoes and pumpkin, about 0.6 milligrams are found in a portion of 200 grams.

Fruits containing zinc

Pomegranate is rich in zinc
Pomegranate is rich in zinc

Both vegetables and fruits provide minimal amounts of zinc, but there are still some of them richer in this mineral. The pomegranate contains the most zinc, about 1 milligram in one fruit. Avocados also provide a good amount of zinc - about 1.3 milligrams in one fruit. Some berries are also richer in this element - blackberries, about 0.8 milligrams per 200 grams of fruit, and raspberries - 0.5 milligrams per 200 grams of raspberries. Dates also have zinc, about 0.4 milligrams per 200 grams of fruit.
