Hard Water And Calcium Absorption

Hard Water And Calcium Absorption
Hard Water And Calcium Absorption

In areas where the water is hard, heart disease affects the population much less frequently than in areas with soft water.

Hard water is much tastier than soft, but it is very difficult to wash. Soft water is suitable for laundry, and hard water for drinking.

Hard water contains more calcium, magnesium, lithium and other elements, and soft - a high concentration of sodium, which in excess leads to disease.

Distilled water causes disturbance of water-salt metabolism and the proper functioning of the digestive system. There is very little sodium left in the distilled water, but it also lacks many other substances. Hard water also contains a lot of zinc, cobalt and other substances.

When drinking very hard water, you can eat more fried. This is because calcium and magnesium from hard water combine with saturated fats to form something like soap. It is not absorbed by the body, but is discarded.

But what if you only have soft water available? You need to supply your body with 60 mg of magnesium and 100 mg of calcium every day. This will be equal to the substances of two liters of hard water.

But if you have hard water available, avoid fizzy drinks. This substance combines with calcium, depriving the stomach of the ability to get rid of the fats with which calcium and magnesium are combined.


Calcium affects the growth and development of the body, improves blood clotting, regulates and coordinates the functions of all organs.

This element helps with diseases of the joints, skin, nerves, blood, heart and endocrine glands, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

Calcium is not absorbed without vitamin D. Older people need one gram of calcium a day, and adolescents and pregnant women - a gram and a half a day.

Until recently, milk and cheese were thought to be the most calcium-rich. But many nutritionists say that milk is not suitable for consumption after the age of three.

Calcium is found in all green leafy vegetables. There is a lot of it in sesame. Calcium is also present in many fruits and nuts, as well as in dried fruits.

One of the main functions of calcium is to neutralize acids. If you eat a lot of dairy products, you should also eat a lot of fruit.

Dairy products form acids in the body, and calcium from fruits neutralizes it. Emphasize nuts. From them your nails and hair will become strong and shiny.

Calcium is also found in carrots, peas, beets, garlic, horseradish, cabbage, celery, legumes, turnips and arugula leaves.
