How To Put Indrishe In Cooking

How To Put Indrishe In Cooking
How To Put Indrishe In Cooking

Indrisheto is a semi-shrub of the Zdravetsovi family, a relative of geranium and geranium. It is a hybrid and occurs only in cultivated form. It grows in North Africa, North America and Southern Europe.

In our country indrisheto is a frequently used spice. The usable parts of the plant are the leaves and the tops of the stem, along with the flowers. They have a characteristic strong and pleasant aroma.

The leaves of the plant are used in indrishe cuisine. Their strong aroma allows them to be used as a substitute for vanilla. They are often added to compotes, jams and other sweet flavorings.

One jar of indrishe is usually added to a jar of compote, which is enough to bring the desired result. It is most often used in quince. To the jam to which it is added, it gives an appetizing taste. A little indrishe juice is added to the cakes.

The typical aroma of indrishe makes it often a preferred ingredient for many sweet spirits. It is also used for brewing wine and brandy barrels. When brewing brandy, some add a bunch of indrishe leaves for a good aroma.

Although it is a popular spice, the essential oil is used more often than indrishe. It is extracted by special steam distillation. Interestingly, the aroma of this hybrid is close to that of rose oil.

The essential oil of indrishe is called teresh. It is mainly used to counterfeit rose oil, as well as its substitute in some derivative products.

Indrishe leaves and essential oil are extremely useful. Embedded in dishes or used in folk medicine, they aid digestion and dilate blood vessels. In addition, they act as an antiseptic.

In folk medicine, indrishe is most often used to treat diabetes, hypertension and heart problems. Externally applied to skin diseases and stubborn wounds.

Often, indrishe is grown as a houseplant and / or ornamental plant. It always has a pleasant, fresh scent around it.
