Diet Drinks Accumulate Fat On The Abdomen

Diet Drinks Accumulate Fat On The Abdomen
Diet Drinks Accumulate Fat On The Abdomen

People who drank carbonated diet drinks gained almost three times more fat than those who did not, found a new study published in the American Journal of Geriatrics.

The study analyzed data obtained from 749 people aged 65 and older. They were asked to provide scientists with information on how many carbonated drinks they drink per day and how many of the drinks are dietary. The study lasted nine years.

The study found that people who did not drink diet drinks gained only 2 percent fat in those nine years. Lovers of diet drinks, who take them regularly, increased their belly fat by 13 percent, and those who did not drink regularly - by 5 percent.

Research has shown that as a result of consuming diet carbonated drinks, people gain weight mainly in the waist area. However, this is an extremely worrying trend because the belly is a bad place for excess fat. The accumulated visceral fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, inflammation and type 2 diabetes.


The authors call the results striking. With them, they manage to prove that low-calorie sweeteners can be extremely dangerous to health. Although scientists are still puzzled by what mechanisms dietary carbonated beverages lead to the side effect of weight gain, they have some ideas. Although sugar-free, carbonated beverages contain substances that are 200-600 times sweeter than sugar.

Normal sugar has calorie inhibitors, says the study's author and team leader, Dr. Helen Hazuda, a professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. One of them is that it causes satiety - a feeling of fullness or satisfaction.

Your body uses it to know that sweet taste means you are consuming calories. If they do not burn, it means extra fat. However, artificial sweeteners confuse our bodies and weaken the connection in our brains. Thus, the body cannot tell us that we are full, which, in turn, makes us want more and as a result we gain weight, she added.
