Gomasio - The Japanese Colorful Salt

Gomasio - The Japanese Colorful Salt
Gomasio - The Japanese Colorful Salt

For most people, the word Gomasio is something they encounter for the first time. This is because the spice of roasted and ground sesame seeds and sea salt, popular in Eastern cuisine, is little known. In Japan, this analogue of our table colored salt is as famous as the mix of savory, salt and other herbs in Bulgaria.

Japanese sesame salt has a number of health properties due to its content, along with its taste. And in the land of the rising sun, this pleasant mix of the two popular natural products is regularly consumed abundantly sprinkled on rice or as a natural flavoring in all dishes.

Nutritional properties of the spice Gomasio


From a nutritional point of view Homasio is a completely healthy food that finds its place in any balanced diet because of its richness in protein, even though it is a plant food. It can not provide all the essential amino acids, but it is known for its content of dietary fiber, and vitamins B, E and mineral content is much more than that of foods that are traditionally known for the content of these nutrients.. Calcium is six times more than in milk, and iron is 5 times more than in meat. Magnesium and phosphorus are also in amounts that meet the needs of the body.

From Homasioto the body can be loaded with tryptophan, and from there - with serotonin to prevent depression and stress and to improve sleep.

The spice is an excellent cleanser thanks to sesame oil, which is retained on the salt crystals and when it enters the body, it absorbs all toxins, heavy metals and slag.

Gomasio - the Japanese colorful salt
Gomasio - the Japanese colorful salt

What taste to expect from this spice?

Gomasio has a taste that strongly resembles walnut. The slightly bitter taste of sesame is added to it. It is an ideal choice for everyone who loves the exotic culinary offerings of the East.

Suitable for stewed or grilled vegetables. It can also be added to soups, broths, purees or directly into vegetable dishes to enrich their taste.

The spice is not used hot, it must be added immediately before serving.

The storage of sesame salt should be in a glass container in the refrigerator. It is good to consume soon after it is prepared or printed.
