Blueberries - Good For Eyesight And Blood

Blueberries - Good For Eyesight And Blood
Blueberries - Good For Eyesight And Blood

Studies have shown that blueberries contain substances that significantly improve visual acuity. That is why in modern conditions of many hours of work in front of computer monitors, experts strongly recommend regular eating of the delicious small fruit. Blueberries should be eaten by all members of professions associated with eye strain.

Here is the composition of blueberries:

Carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Cranberry fruits also contain sugar, organic acids (citric, malic, succinic, etc.), tannins, pectin, glycosides and dyes.

In addition, berries contain a significant amount of manganese and iron. For this reason, blueberries have an extremely beneficial effect on hematopoiesis.

It has also been found that fresh blueberries, as well as their juice, have anti-inflammatory action. Their consumption has a calming effect on the body. Natural healers also recommend blueberries for intestinal disorders.

Dark Blueberries
Dark Blueberries

The fruits have a beneficial effect in balancing the reduced acidity of gastric juice. Eating blueberries is also recommended for kidney stones, rheumatism, anemia and skin diseases.

We offer you a recipe for the preparation of Cranberry Syrup:

It is prepared only from blueberries. Healthy, well-ripened fruits are selected for the juice, which are crushed and left to stand for no more than two hours. Then the porridge is cooled and the juice is filtered through gauze.

To one liter of juice add 2 kg of sugar and 5 grams of tartaric (or citric) acid. After adding the sugar, the cranberry juice is poured into dark and pre-dried bottles, which should be stored in a cool and dry place.
