We Celebrate International Coffee Day

We Celebrate International Coffee Day
We Celebrate International Coffee Day

On October 1, the whole world celebrates International Day of one of my favorite drinks - coffee. A study conducted in the UK on the occasion of today found that coffee lovers are richer and happier than others.

Coffee makers are superior to tea lovers in many ways. Coffee lovers have been found to earn an average of £ 28,000 a year, compared to £ 26,000 for tea lovers. In the UK, the ratio of the two types of hot drinks is 53.3% for tea and 46.7% for coffee.

2,000 people took part in the survey. Fans of the fragrant dark drink more often occupy higher positions in the service.

Their colleagues and themselves define themselves as extremely funny. On the other hand, there are tea fans who are more inclined to compete in the work environment. They are more fun outside of the workplace.

People who prefer tea are much more hot-tempered than those who prefer coffee. They are more accommodating and calm. In addition, coffee makers are less likely to be late for work and less likely to drive there.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee or tea?

Tea lovers are more likely to stay after work, but admit that they would flirt with bosses in pursuit of promotion. Maybe that's why most tea lovers have received at least one promotion in the past five years. They define themselves as "team players".

Among other interesting facts is that while enjoying their favorite coffee, fans surf the Internet, while those who prefer tea drink it while gossiping with their colleagues.

Of course, if the health differences between the two drinks are taken into account, each of them also has its advantage. For example, coffee refreshes and gives energy, while tea is full of vitamins and minerals thanks to the herbs from which it is prepared.

Tea is easier to prepare, rich in antioxidants, helps fight excess weight], is good for teeth, protects bones, reduces stress and strengthens the immune system.


Caffeine in coffee increases tone and makes us smarter, helps burn fat, improves physical activity, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and depression, and makes us feel happier.

IN International Coffee Day not to mention some of the most important benefits of the invigorating drink. The coffee protects against Alzheimer's disease and dementia, reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, has a beneficial effect on the liver, reduces the risk of stroke, has a rejuvenating effect and inhibits aging. Whichever of the hot drinks you choose, you won't go wrong.
