Today Is World Vegan Day

Today Is World Vegan Day
Today Is World Vegan Day

Today we celebrate World Vegan Day. Vegans are people who not only do not consume any animal products, but completely reject their use in their lives.

In their understanding, vegans are much stricter than vegetarians and refuse to use products that may be indirectly related to animals.

For the first time Vegan Day is celebrated on November 1, 1994. The initiator of the holiday is the Vegan Society, which celebrates its sixtieth anniversary.

The word vegan was introduced by Donald Watson. He chooses to be a vegetarian when he is only 14 years old and at the age of 30 he is already a vegan. Watson lived to be 95 years old.


Why people choose to get up vegans? One of the reasons these people give up milk, eggs, products of animal origin (leather, silk, wool, etc.), honey (for the most sworn vegans), products with animal ingredients (glycerin, gelatin), some types of sugar. and cosmetics tested on animals is their desire not to cause any harm to animals.

Others take this extreme measure because they are keenly interested in their health and refuse to consume foods that are harmful. Many people resort to veganism for purely selfish reasons - the fact is that with this diet you lose weight because the body is cleansed of toxins.

Vegan recipes
Vegan recipes

Today, various initiatives related to veganism are organized. Vegans around the world are trying to show the rest of humanity how important it is for people to drink clean water, feed on fertile land and not kill animals, because every living thing has its place under the sun.
