Pros And Cons Of Candied Honey

Pros And Cons Of Candied Honey
Pros And Cons Of Candied Honey

Very often sellers and even honey producers complain that customers flatly refuse to buy honey that is already candied. It is generally believed that candied honey is harmful. But what is the truth?

It is a little known fact that when honey is sugared, it shows that it is really high quality and is a completely useful natural product.

According to the producers, the speed with which honey is sugared depends on many things - the method of collection, its natural storage, as well as the temperature (waiting for 13 and 15 degrees is the fastest).

The type of honey is also important, acacia and linden honey, for example, crystallize more slowly than others, while rapeseed, herbal and sunflower honey are candied in the first week after it has been harvested.

Ingredients are also important, when the ratio of fructose to glucose is higher, sugaring is slower. According to some, it can happen when we scoop a wet spoon from a jar of honey. The type of crystals can also be different - smaller and larger.

To become widely available again, sellers resort to the method of melting a water bath. It is this boiling that makes honey harmful. It loses its useful properties. Transformation of sugars occurs and if the temperature is higher, honey from useful becomes carcinogenic. The honey should be melted slowly in a water bath at a low temperature without the water boiling.
