Green Beans

Green Beans
Green Beans

Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) is an annual plant whose season is from June to the autumn months of August-October. Green beans are actually the unripe fruit of the bean, which is a pod and seeds hidden in it. It is an extremely sensitive plant to cold, loving moisture and moderate sun.

Green beans are a widespread field crop in our country, and are grown in greenhouses, where they are harvested between April and December. More than 100 species of green beans have been cultivated in the world, the largest of which is grown in Europe and Africa - in Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, Egypt.

Green beans are considered one of the oldest cultivated plants, and its homeland is Africa and Asia. Archaeological excavations show that in South America, [Mexico, corn, pumpkin, and green bean seeds were grown as early as 3000 BC.

Mandatory condition for quality green beans is to be "threadless." The first type of such bean was cultivated back in 1894 by Calvin Keeney, called the father of this type of bean. Green beans are not only popular on the Old Continent and in Africa. In the United States, it is one of the must-have dishes for Thanksgiving. There are two main varieties green beans - creeping and non-creeping plants.

Composition of green beans

Potatoes with green beans
Potatoes with green beans

Green beans are a very good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. One serving green beans can supply your body with 17% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and 20% of your vitamin C needs. In addition, this legume is rich in dietary fiber or fiber, low in calories, contains certain doses of iron and potassium.

The calories from fat that enter our body from green beans are only 1 kcal. A full cup of green beans contains 2 g of protein. It is good to know that only green beans by itself it cannot satisfy a person's nutritional needs. It is good to consume as an addition to a main course or salads.

This legume is low in sodium and very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is also a good source of protein, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and a great source of vitamin K, folic acid and manganese.

For 100 g of raw green beans

Energy - 129 kJ (31 kcal)

Carbohydrates - 7, 1 gram

Fiber - 3, 6 grams

Zachary - 3, 26

Fat - 0, 1 gram

Protein - 1, 8 grams

Vitamin C - 16 mg (27%)

Iron - 1 mg (8%)

Potassium - 200 mg (4%)

Water - 90 ml

For 100 g of canned green beans

Energy - 15 kcal

Carbohydrates - 3.50 grams

Fiber - 1.50 grams

Sugar - 0 grams

Fat - 0.10 grams

Protein - 0.80 grams

Vitamin C



Water - 95 ml

Selection and storage of green beans

It is important to choose fresh and fresh green beansbecause stagnant does not taste good and is difficult to prepare. When choosing green beans, make sure that the pods are free of brown spots or injuries, wrinkles. It is especially important that the pods are not soft and easily brittle. This is a sure sign that the product is fresh and has retained its nutritional qualities to the maximum extent.

The duration of storage of green beans is not long. Like most fresh vegetables, beans can wither, lose their fresh green color, and appear in 2 days. Store it for about 2-3 days in the bottom box of the refrigerator, in a suitable envelope. If you want to extend its shelf life, you can blanch it in salted water, and with the addition of a little baking soda, its color will remain saturated. Then put it in a plastic box with a lid and freeze it.

Green beans with pork
Green beans with pork

Cooking green beans

To prepare green beans for cooking, you must first clean them. Using a knife, cut the tips on both sides of the pod and wash the beans. In cooking, green beans are popular as a side dish and addition to various salads, meat and fish. And us with green beans stews, stews and winter food are prepared. Among the products and spices with which green beans go well are savory, onion, garlic, smoked bacon, parsley, thyme and marjoram. Steamed along with other vegetables, green beans in the perfect garnish.

Benefits of green beans

Green beans are a dietary food product because they contain very few calories and are rich in vitamins and minerals important for human health. It is one of the products that should be regularly present at our table, because it has the ability to strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism, thanks to its composition.

Green beans is a suitable food for people suffering from diabetes. It also helps with high blood pressure and urinary tract infections. Folk medicine recommends against these diseases to use a decoction of dried green bean husks.

Green beans with parmesan
Green beans with parmesan

Harm from green beans

According to experts, raw green beans are not recommended to be eaten raw because they contain the presence of the toxic protein fazin. Most of this protein is contained in the young growing grains and after its consumption it is possible to develop gastrointestinal disorders.

However, toxic phasin is transformed into harmless after cooking. It is best to steam the green beans for at least 10 minutes to make sure that no traces of the toxin remain and that it is completely broken down.
