Diet For Liver Obesity

Diet For Liver Obesity
Diet For Liver Obesity

Fatty hepatosis or obesity of the liver is one of the most common diseases in the modern world. It is estimated that about 30% of the world's population suffers from this.

The disease is typical for overweight people, lovers of fatty foods and alcohol. It occurs in many diabetics and people with high levels of fats (lipids) in the blood. In the past years obesity of the liver is found not only in adults but even in children.

For many patients with fatty liver disease, diet is the main and only way to get rid of the disease. The basis of the therapeutic nutrition in fatty liver is the introduction of protein in the diet, the exclusion of fatty foods containing large amounts of purine compounds and cholesterol.

Preference is given to foods rich in pectin and fiber. A rich fortified drink is recommended to improve metabolic reactions.

Fatty degeneration of liver cells is more common in overweight people. Therefore, nutrition in such a problem must comply with the rules of healthy eating and have a balanced composition. This will lead to weight loss, reduction of the concentration of fat in the liver cells, and also:

-normalize lipid metabolism;

-reduction of cholesterol concentration;

-improvement of digestion through optimal production of bile;

-unload the liver.

The menu for obesity of the liver includes fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, proteins and water-soluble vitamins. The fat content in the diet, especially fatty acids, salt, sugar, is reduced to a minimum.

Food can be mainly cooked and baked. Fried foods are strictly forbidden. During the frying process, the fat is oxidized and puts additional stress on the liver.

Nutrition in fatty liver
Nutrition in fatty liver

Flour products and cereal dishes

In case of fatty hepatosis it is allowed to eat bread baked from rye or wheat flour of 1st or 2nd class. You can eat porridge of oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. For a varied diet you can cook pilaf with dried fruit, fruit pudding.


Soups are good for the body, so they should be included in diet for liver obesity daily. They improve digestion and bowel function.

Meat and fish

Protein products are the basis of nutrition in hepatic hepatosis. Lean meat is recommended, removing tendons and skin. Beef, rabbit, lamb, chicken, turkey are allowed. Fish dishes are prepared from varieties with the inclusion of no more than 4% fat.

Eggs and dairy products

Fermented dairy products are selected with low fat content. Eggs are allowed, but in limited quantities - half a yolk per day.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should not be sour. Ripe apples, bananas (not more than 100 g per day), prunes, dried apricots, pomegranate, melon, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, bell, avocados, cucumbers, broccoli.
