Medlars Loosen And Soothe

Medlars Loosen And Soothe
Medlars Loosen And Soothe

In the Middle Ages, the tart fruits of medlar were used to purify the blood. Nowadays, medlar is known to stimulate the endocrine glands, it is recommended for weakening the body's functions - it works well after suffering a serious illness.

The tart fruits of medlar are known in folk medicine for their ability to aid digestion and improve colon function.

However, be careful what medlars you use, as unripe fruits have a burning effect - they are suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. According to some experts, medlar is suitable for consumption in diseases of the liver, kidneys and bile.

Decoction of unripe fruits is recommended in acute gastrointestinal disorders, as well as in urolithiasis. The ripe fruits of medlar have a diuretic effect and help with inflamed urinary tract or inflammation of the kidneys.

Medlar leaves also have a healing effect - they are collected during flowering and have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. The decoction can also be used for gargling - it helps with sore throats and colds.

Medlars also have a calming effect on the nervous system.

To prepare a decoction of the leaves, you need 20 pieces. Pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for about ten minutes, then remove from the heat. The mixture is then filtered and allowed to cool.

You can gargle with this decoction three times a day.

The same decoction can be used to treat inflamed skin - soak a cotton swab with the mixture and apply gently to the sore spot.

The decoction of dried fruits is made as follows:

- 20 dried medlars are placed in a bowl with half a liter of boiling water. Then cover the dish and set aside from the heat - it should stand for four hours. When time has passed, the mixture is filtered. Store in the refrigerator.
