Seawater And Lobster Beer Is The New Hit In The United States

Seawater And Lobster Beer Is The New Hit In The United States
Seawater And Lobster Beer Is The New Hit In The United States

Seafood-flavored beer is the new hit among connoisseurs of the sparkling drink across the ocean, reports the Associated Press.

The creator of the unusual drink is the American Tim Adams, who has a small brewing company in the state of Maine. The master brewer told the media that the competition among brewers on the American market is fierce. Especially in the summer, when it is the strongest season for sale beerwho wants to survive must offer something new, memorable and, of course, quality.

Adams also reveals some of the secrets of the production of delicacy beer. In its production he uses only sea water and a special species of lobster. Ocean creatures are placed with a net in boiling salt water taken from the Atlantic Ocean near Maine. From the water flavored in this way, the master brewer also creates the new type of beer.

Adams believes that the beer he brews has a specific taste and sweetness. According to him, connoisseurs of ocean delicacies will be able to unmistakably recognize the taste of seafood that is invested in the preparation of beer.

Beer with lobster
Beer with lobster

Beer will not be available year-round, but only in summer and fall, Adams said. Beer is available even now in limited quantities. The production is carried out jointly with another small brewing company based in the northern Italian city of Parma.

The new type of beer has an alcohol content of 4.5 percent. Adams points out that lobsters that are brewed during production are then offered for consumption, and the taste they have gained from the addition of other ingredients needed for beer production has made them a huge hit in fish restaurants all over the world. East Coast of the United States.

Apparently, with his unconventional approach to beer production, Adams has succeeded because he already has orders that exceed the capacity of his brewing company for the next four years.
