Lies And Truths About Bread

Lies And Truths About Bread
Lies And Truths About Bread

Bread is one of the oldest foods that humanity earns a living from. It is an integral part of our table. Nowadays, there are many different types of bread that we choose according to our taste preferences and health problems. There is a lot of false information about the bread and the way it goes from the factory to the shops.

Lie: Growers put large amounts of cornmeal in wheat bread to weigh more.

Truth: No grower does this because cornmeal is more expensive than wheat flour and reduces the volume of bread.

Lie: There is a lot of salt in bread, as it is the cheapest preservative. This ensures greater durability of the product.

Truth: The amounts of salt in bread are monitored by the Food Agency. The optimal amount used in it is 1.6% and it is added as a flavoring. No manufacturer benefits from salting their product. The amount of salt in bread is less than half the amount allowed per day.

A lie: The crust of bread is much more useful than the environment, as it has a good effect on digestion.

White bread
White bread

True: When the bread is made of quality flour and all technological requirements are met, all its parts - the middle and the crust, have the same composition.

A lie: Bread with additives such as olives and cumin, for example, is made from low-quality flour, as they change its taste and there is no difference.

True: The addition of various additives requires the use of more expensive flour, with more gluten, as they disrupt its structure and volume.

A lie: Bran is added to the bread, which causes mold.

True: There are bran in every bread. The darker it is, the higher their percentage. Bran contains valuable substances that make bread more balanced and healthy. Mold, in turn, occurs as a result of fungal spores, which develop in conditions of high humidity. The main causes of these contaminants are hand touching and all manual operations. Bread in good industrial automated industries does not mold so quickly.

A lie: Dark types of bread are colored with artificial brown coloring.

True: Rye bread has a whitish-gray color. To achieve the characteristic brown color, manufacturers use malt.

Black bread
Black bread

A lie: The holes in the bread say that many leavening agents have been used.

True: Bubbles appear as a result of the fermentation process. When the dough is well mixed, the yeast is evenly distributed and the bubbles are everywhere. In addition, it is too expensive for manufacturers to indiscriminately add leavening agents.

A lie: Wholemeal breads achieve their consistency thanks to leavening agents and colorants, which are to blame for their characteristic porous appearance.

True: Real wholemeal breads are porous and small in volume. However, some producers produce white bread and add malt, which makes the bread look soft, fluffy and healthy at the same time.
