What Is The Marjoram Spice Used For?

What Is The Marjoram Spice Used For?
What Is The Marjoram Spice Used For?

Marjoram is a spice that is added to various dishes for extra fresh flavor. This plant was known to the ancient Greeks.

They believed that it had magical properties. Instead of storing marjoram in a spice bowl, they threw it on the altar and burned it during rituals.

The Greeks added marjoram to wine to ensure the extraordinary love power of both partners. Marjoram fruits are rich in essential oil.

It has a strong aroma reminiscent of chamomile, black pepper, mint and cardamom. Marjoram is like a real bouquet of aromas. Marjoram contains carotene, vitamin C, phytoncides, flavonoids, minerals and tannins.

Marjoram spice
Marjoram spice

Marjoram is recommended for people who suffer from kidney problems, liver disease, bile problems, as well as people who have had a heart attack.

Marjoram has a warming and calming effect, works well on digestion and menstrual problems. This spice helps with nervous disorders and colds.

The aroma of marjoram is very unstable, so this spice is added literally before serving the dish. In cooking, marjoram leaves are used fresh and dried.

Marjoram goes perfectly with garlic, is used as a spice for soups, sauces and pâtés, added to meat dishes, especially beef, and also in various salads.

Marjoram is used as an addition to meatballs because its aroma ennobles the meat and makes it more tender. Marjoram is suitable for tomato, mushroom, meat, pea and spinach soups, in tomato and cream sauces.

Marjoram is suitable for roast meat and egg dishes. It is ideal for potato salads and potato soups. Marjoram is also suitable for fruit juices.
