Japan: Eat Fish From Fukushima

Japan: Eat Fish From Fukushima
Japan: Eat Fish From Fukushima

You can easily consume fish and other seafood, even if they are caught or made from fish caught in the Fukushima area, according to the Japanese Embassy in Bulgaria.

The announcement said that all Japanese imported food could be safely consumed, even those obtained in the area of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The embassy assures that after the great earthquake, which devastated East Japan and led to the largest nuclear accident in the country, extremely strict control is exercised over all food products.

The foodstuffs of Fukushima Prefecture are controlled with special rigor and accuracy. Japan has the world's strictest food safety standards.

Safety is controlled through a system of thorough inspections and immediate restriction of food distribution.

For example, the samples in which the safety norms were exceeded for the period March 2015 - February 2016 are only 0.1% of the total number.

Radioactive wild mushrooms and meat from wild animals and birds were detected, but not fish and fish products. Unfit products were not allowed to be distributed on the market.


Earlier this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assessed that the Japanese food supply chain was under extremely effective control by local authorities.

And speaking of fish and fishery products, we must mention that the deviations in the samples of these products in the area of Fukushima Prefecture for April-June 2011 exceeded 50%. Last year, however, the percentage was 0.

The Embassy of Japan in Bulgaria is adamant that in Fukushima Prefecture there is no coastal fishing or trawling, but only exploratory fishing, and that the Japanese authorities do not allow widespread in the market of fish and fish products that exceed the norms.
