For A Better Appetite, Eat Soups Regularly

For A Better Appetite, Eat Soups Regularly
For A Better Appetite, Eat Soups Regularly

Soups are a favorite dish of our people. They contain aromatic and other flavors that improve appetite and help the secretion of digestive juices. The most arousing substances are soups made from meat, fish, bones and mushrooms. Some vegetable broths also contain strong stimulants of gastric and intestinal secretion.

Broths are also often used in dietary nutrition. When cooking meat, fish, bones and vegetables, mineral salts, vitamins, amino acids, etc., which are valuable for the body, pass into the water.

Depending on the method of preparation, strong broths (with a higher content of extractives) and weak broths (with a lower content) can be obtained.

Meat broths can be served with the addition of rice, noodles, vegetables and more.


Types of broths:

- Clear broth - is obtained by adding a little minced meat and beaten egg white to ordinary broth. It can be served with a whole egg, which is beaten before serving;

- Broth with egg white snowflakes - is obtained by pouring lightly beaten egg white through a colander into the boiling broth, which is mixed with a wooden spoon to form drops. You can add noodles, noodles and more.

- Weak broth - weak broths are prepared from bones poor in bone marrow (ribs).

Fish broths are prepared like meat and bone broths.
