How Spicy Affects The Stomach

How Spicy Affects The Stomach
How Spicy Affects The Stomach

Spicy foods are present in the cuisine of many nations. They are most typical for the Orient and Asia, but they also occupy an important place in our table. The fiery taste cures various diseases, rejuvenates and burns calories.

One of the serious reasons for the popularity of hot pepper is due to the fact that it strengthens the body's defenses against colds and infections. Improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.

An interesting fact is that three hot peppers contain as much vitamin C as one kilogram of lemons.

Capsaicin, which is contained in spicy foods, has an antioxidant effect and helps burn calories quickly. It causes severe burning in the mouth, esophagus and stomach. It has an arousing effect on the appetite and causes the secretion of gastric, intestinal and pancreatic juice. Helps stimulate metabolism.

Spicy foods, however, could become a problem for people with colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatic problems, peptic ulcer disease, impaired bowel and stomach function. If people with such problems overdo it with spicy food, it can lead to pain and even bleeding.

Recognized experts are not unequivocal about whether spicy food is harmful. People with ulcers are advised to limit the consumption of spicy, spicy and salty foods because they further irritate the stomach.


This includes strong corrections such as mustard, onion, garlic, hot peppers, black pepper. These spices can worsen the patient's condition.

Spicy may not cause such complications. According to some doctors, hotness will not exacerbate stomach problems. It sounds amazing, but thanks to hot peppers, some people manage to cure their ulcer.

The answer to this mystery lies in the stimulation of mucus in the stomach due to the hotness. This mucus creates a protective layer on the gastric mucosa.

Patients with liver and bile problems are allowed to season the food with a little lemon juice or wine vinegar, sweet red pepper or boiled onions.

As there is no consensus on the effect of spicy on the stomach, it is best to consume it in moderation, especially by people with a delicate stomach and a strong sensitivity to spicy foods.
