The Color Of Food Affects Health

The Color Of Food Affects Health
The Color Of Food Affects Health

It turns out that our mood and health are affected not only by the color of furniture and walls, but even the color of prepared meals. And their color range is capable of working wonders.

Properly selected color shades of food, lighting and atmosphere have been shown to improve appetite and digestive processes.

Scientists from Poland conducted an experiment. Foods common to the human eye were altered with lighting in colors that did not exist in nature.

For example, the peas resembled very large red caviar, the flesh turned gray, the milk turned purple, and the eggs turned bright red.

Hungry people had to eat the strange food, and almost no one touched the food, and those who were still afraid to try it felt sick.

Scientists have concluded that in order to improve appetite and digestion, the vessels in which food is served must be red, orange or yellow.

Carrot salad
Carrot salad

People who want to lose weight should eat in blue, black and dark red dishes and eat in low light. The color of the food is of great importance.

For example, red foods elevate mood and vitality. These are tomatoes, cherries, red wine, red peppers, watermelon and meat. They help fight depression.

The orange color, in which the pumpkin, carrots, oranges, mangoes and apricots are colored, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Most orange foods contain beta carotene, which improves the immune system. Yellow foods, as well as orange, contain a large amount of vitamin C. Honey, cheese, melon, egg yolk and all fruits and vegetables in shades of yellow improve mood.

Eggplants and blackberries, as well as grapes help to cope with bloated stomach and stomach pain, improve vision and immunity. Prunes and blueberries help fight stress.

Green fruits and vegetables contain the most useful substances - vitamins B, A, C, K, E, potassium and folate, lutein. Green foods help get rid of negative emotions, normalize blood pressure, improve vision.

White foods are not suitable for people who want to lose weight. Boiled rice, potatoes, milk, spaghetti, coconut are rich in carbohydrates. But garlic and onions fight a number of bacteria and normalize our high blood pressure.
