Honey For Every Pain

Honey For Every Pain
Honey For Every Pain

Honey is one of the most effective antioxidants, but only if chosen correctly. We should treat the purchase of honey carefully and seriously, and not reach for the first jar that comes before our eyes.

It is no coincidence that real honey is called a miracle of nature. It consists of 75% glucose and fructose, contains virtually no sucrose, but is rich in many enzymes, organic acids, trace elements and vitamins.

Several thousand plants are known, from the nectar of which bees make honey, and each of them has its own characteristics.

If honey has a taste of burnt sugar, it is not only deprived of its useful properties, but is also harmful to health. Under the influence of high temperature, carcinogenic substances are formed in it.

Anyone can do tests to check the properties of real honey with the help of iodine or vinegar. If the honey diluted with water and a few drops of iodine turns blue, then it is mixed with starch, and if the vinegar foams it - chalk is added to it.

But despite experiments at home, only laboratory analysis can accurately determine 100% natural honey.

Choose honey according to the problem. Buckwheat honey is good for anemia. Linden is indispensable for colds and flu. Mountain chestnut normalizes the work of the urinary organs, and milk - the respiratory system.

Devil's mouth honey is soothing and using a teaspoon of it can dramatically improve sleep.

Rarely allergies are caused by white acacia honey.

Honey has traditionally been considered an allergen, but in reality it causes allergies in only 1 in 1,000 cases.

Often this is an individual human reaction to the pollen of a particular plant and therefore other varieties of honey can be completely safe.
