

Nectarines are very close relatives of the peach, and in the past they were called "Persian plum". In essence, nectarines are a peach variety with smooth scales, native to China. Nectarines are a group of peach varieties, and the fruits have no moss.

They became famous in Europe only in the late Renaissance, when sailors began to transport them to different countries. Nectarines have been known in America and the East for about 2,000 years.

Nectarines have an extremely rich aroma and incredible taste, which makes them a favorite fruit of many. The taste is richer than that of peach. Their name comes from the Greek word "nectar". Nectarines are one of the most delicious, fragrant and juicy summer fruits. Extremely useful and rich in vitamins, they have a well-deserved place in the summer menu.

Types of peaches
Types of peaches

Composition of nectarines

Nectarines do not contain cholesterol and sodium, they are very low in fat. They contain more phosphorus and potassium than peaches, are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, folic acid and fiber.

About 140 years nectarines contain 1 g of fat, 16 g of carbohydrates, 0 mg of cholesterol, 0 mg of sodium, 1 g of protein, 10% vitamin C, 20% vitamin A.

Selection and storage of nectarines

Choose fruits with a creamy-yellow color. Don't buy cut or bruised nectarines. Keep in mind that purple red is not a sign of maturity, but is simply characteristic of some varieties of nectarines. Well ripened nectarines are susceptible to light pressure and are as soft as ripe peaches.

If you bought unripe nectarines, put them in a paper bag and keep them at room temperature. Ventilate them daily. Ripe nectarines are stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Smooth peaches
Smooth peaches

Nectarines in cooking

Nectarines are consumed mostly fresh because they have a very fresh and pleasant taste. They do not have the characteristic peach moss, which often causes irritation. The lack of these mosses makes them a preferred fruit among young and old.

Nectarines are used to prepare delicious desserts and fruit salads, decorations for cakes and pastries. They are added to healthy cereals. Nectarines give an exotic taste to pork and chicken. To do this, when grilling chicken or pork, add one nectarine, cut in half. In order not to darken after cutting, nectarines can be sprinkled with a little lemon juice.

Nectarines are also used to make compotes, thanks to which we can enjoy their taste in the winter. Nectarines are used to make delicious juices and nectars, jams and fruit desserts.

Benefits of nectarines

Peach compote
Peach compote

In addition to being extremely tasty, these summer fruits have a number of health benefits. One of the best qualities of nectarines is calming the nervous system. It is due to the high amounts of potassium.

Although nectarines have a wonderful sweet taste, they are low in sugar. They are low in calories, which makes them a suitable fruit for dieting. 100 g nectarines contain only 50 calories, so they can easily be used for diets or unloading days.

Experts recommend nectarines for cardiovascular problems. Regular consumption of aromatic fruits improves venous circulation and tone of the vessel walls. Nectarines are considered to be one of nature's best gifts for preventing the insidious disease of cancer.

Nectarines protect the mucous membranes, skin, eyes and heart from the action of extremely harmful free radicals. They regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and have a mild laxative effect. Nectarines completely strengthen the immune system, so make the most of them during the summer months.

The delicious fruits act as a kind of filter of the kidneys, cleansing them of unnecessary substances. Thanks to the contained fruit acids, nectarines successfully stimulate the appetite.

Some experienced chefs say that fatty foods are digested much better if a nectarine is eaten before sitting at the table. The substances contained in it will improve the work of the gastric glands.
