Black Pepper Was A Currency In Ancient Greece

Black Pepper Was A Currency In Ancient Greece
Black Pepper Was A Currency In Ancient Greece

There is almost no recipe in which not a pinch of black pepper is added. It is the most spicy and fragrant compared to other varieties. It can be found whole, crushed or ground.

The homeland of black pepper is India. There he played a key role. Over the years, in addition to being a spice, black pepper has also been used as a currency. Even in ancient Greece, it appeared as a pure currency. It is also considered one of the most sacred gifts that can be offered to the gods. Years later, in the Middle Ages, people's well-being was measured by the size of their stocks of black beans.

One of the reasons it is among the most preferred spices from ancient times to the present day is the property of the spice to mask the not so fresh look of the food. Especially in ancient times, this was of great importance due to the lack of amenities such as a refrigerator and freezer. This, combined with the strong aroma and spicy taste, makes black pepper really priceless.

Black pepper is obtained from a smooth creeping plant called Piper nigrum. White and green peppers also come from it. The difference in the varieties is obtained according to the different stages of development of the fruits of the plant, as well as the methods of processing.

Black pepper grains
Black pepper grains

The plant from which the peppercorns are extracted prefers a hot and humid climate. About three or four years after planting it begins to give small white flowers that turn into peppercorns.

For black pepper, the grape flowers are picked until the berries are half ripe, just before they turn red. The processing begins with drying, in which they become black in color. Today, the main producers of black pepper are India and Indonesia.

Like any other spice, black pepper has many benefits. Its intake has been proven to improve digestive processes, as well as the work of the intestinal tract. Interestingly, it stimulates the taste buds, thus sending a signal to the stomach to increase the release of hydrochloric acid.

Ground black pepper
Ground black pepper

It determines the smooth functioning of the stomach. In addition, pepper has diaphoretic properties - increases urinary secretion. It has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
