Green Aphrodisiacs

Green Aphrodisiacs
Green Aphrodisiacs

The word aphrodisiac bears the name of the Greek goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.

The food we eat and sexual desire are directly related. Many foods act as aphrodisiacs, stimulating and increasing sexual desire, arousal and pleasure.

The fast pace of life, stress, lack of time make us nervous, depressed and apathetic. With these stressful situations we can deal with the consumption of a few simple green aphrodisiacs and this will undoubtedly affect our body.

Your skin, hair and nails will start to glow, your libido will increase and you will magnetically attract your partner.

Spinach, kale and Brussels sprouts, arugula, chicory and celery are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are necessary and important for cardiovascular health, bone health, hair, skin and nails. All these foods awaken in us sensuality and sex appeal, have a stimulating effect on blood vessels and blood circulation.

For yourself and your loved one, make a magic drink from a handful of cleaned and washed spinach, half a lemon with the peel, an apple and a teaspoon of honey. Add 150 ml of cold water and mix in a blender. This combination of color and taste will tempt you.

Green herbs such as basil, celery, sage, thyme, dill and chives will make your food very fragrant. The abundance of essential oils contained in them will add a fragrant scent and a new touch to your plate. The aromatic essences of these herbs will stimulate and captivate you, which accelerates the purity of the heart and blood flow, and this, in turn, acts erotically.

Green foods
Green foods

Cut basil in your salads, sprinkle it on tomatoes or make pesto. In ancient times, women believed that basil drove men crazy and by covering their breasts with it, they stimulated sexual desire in them.

Avocados, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli and green peppers are often present in our menu.

Avocados and asparagus visually have an aphrodisiac effect, and in the past the Aztecs gave the name to the avocado tree (the testicle tree) precisely because of the resemblance of its fruit to human intimate parts.

Add green food to your menu every day and be happy, in love and wanted!
