Paraffin In Fruits And Vegetables

Paraffin In Fruits And Vegetables
Paraffin In Fruits And Vegetables

It is hardly a secret to anyone that imported fruits and vegetables contain substances that are much more harmful than the chemicals labeled E in other foods. Apples are the most pesticide-contaminated of all the fruits and vegetables we buy. After them are celery and peppers.

In addition to all substances contained in imported fruit and vegetables, they are treated with waxes and paraffinto keep fresh for a longer period of time. They can be eaten only after being thoroughly washed with a brush. If you suffer from allergies, it will not be superfluous to pre-soak the fruit for about an hour. It is desirable to peel all fruits and vegetables that are imported, even apples.

Researchers say they have found significant pesticide residues in 68% of European production they tested, including chemicals banned for agricultural use.

The purest fruits and vegetables start with onions, followed by sweet corn, pineapples, avocados, cabbage, peas, asparagus, mangoes, eggplants and kiwis.

The green beans, kale and green leafy vegetables that were tested contained pesticide residues that ranked them out of the top 12, but organophosphate contaminants were still found in them.


Washed fruit is good to eat immediately. The reason is that the water damages the shell and starts a rapid process of spoilage or at least many valuable properties are lost. In order to preserve the most useful substances, it is good to clean the fruit with a stainless steel knife.

It is important to know that in order to get rid of paraffin in vegetables and fruits, they must be thoroughly cleaned. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons and other citrus fruits are recommended to be first scalded for a second with boiling water to remove preservatives from their surface. Then wash with cold running water.

Dried fruits bought not only from the market but also from the store must be washed. Wash them at the tap with cold water, place them in a large sieve and scald them. This will remove the preservatives that manufacturers often put in them.
