Let's Grow Basil At Home

Let's Grow Basil At Home
Let's Grow Basil At Home

Basil is one of the most commonly used and most easily recognizable by flavor ingredients in many dishes and drinks - pizza, spaghetti, Bloody Mary, Caprese salad, Thai soups.

They all carry the basil feeling of freshness. Dried and packaged spices from the store are not only many times more expensive, but also many times less fragrant than home-grown ones. That is why it is good to take advantage of one of the following tips and grow this invaluable supplement yourself, so as to amaze the guests with your delicious dishes.

An important thing to know about basil is that it is extremely sensitive to cold weather, so it is good to consider in advance the place at home where you will grow it. If you sow it in the yard until late autumn, you will have a lush and well-growing plant, for which, however, you must be prepared that it will not survive the winter.

If you plant basil in a pot, you can bring it in or out, depending on the temperatures. Provide him with a sunny spot in the yard or on the window and loose soil that does not retain water.

Let's grow basil at home
Let's grow basil at home

- When and how to plant: Basil is grown from seed, which germinates relatively quickly and easily. Plant in early spring and you need to be prepared and be able to cover it with something in case the weather worsens suddenly and you have already planted it in the garden. It is good to make seedlings in boxes in advance, which you can transfer to the garden only when the weather has become stable and the ponies are no longer too fragile.

You should anticipate that the stems of common basil can reach a height of about 50-60 cm if not pruned regularly. That is why it is good to leave a distance of about 30 cm between the roots themselves when transplanting them. Don't worry about sowing the seeds among other plants in your garden - it grows well with oregano, parsley, lettuce, chamomile and tomatoes.

- Irrigation - Water low in the roots without wetting the leaves. Water regularly, but first check that the soil is dry. If it is still wet, then your plant can last a little longer without watering. Basil does not like heavily watered soil.

- Picking - The plant is pruned with suitable scissors. If you want to use it fresh, you may not wait for it to reach the flowering stage. It is recommended to cut no more than 2/3 of the whole plant (at least 15 cm from the stem should remain above the ground).

Let's grow basil at home
Let's grow basil at home

- Drying - In case you have decided to stock up on homemade dried basil, after cutting a few stalks you should tie them in a small bundle and hang it in a ventilated place. Dried basil can be crushed and stored in a suitable container or jar, which must be tightly closed.

Even if you haven't grown herbs or any plants before, don't hesitate to try. Basil does not require special care, but on the other hand it will delight you for a long time with a fresh look, aroma and taste.
