Bicarbonate Of Soda

Bicarbonate Of Soda
Bicarbonate Of Soda

Bicarbonate of soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate or simply baking soda is a product with countless useful applications in our daily lives. Soda is indispensable as a leavening agent in cooking, because when it reacts with other substances, it releases bubbles of carbon dioxide - the real cause of the swelling of cakes, pastries, some types of bread and cakes, as well as other pasta.

Baking soda (NaHCO3) is actually an unsaturated sodium salt of carbonic acid (H2CO3). Volumes have been written about its healing properties, and no one can argue about its therapeutic properties.

All chemicals can be classified according to the pH factor (hydrogen index), which is a measure of their acidity and alkalinity. Baking soda is no exception. The water is 7.0 and is neutral. All substances with a pH above 7.0 are alkaline, while those with a pH below 7.0 are acidic. With its pH of about 8.4, baking soda is slightly alkaline and is able to neutralize strong acids such as those in the stomach.

Selection and storage of baking soda

Choose packaged baking soda, the label of which clearly states the expiration date. Store soda in a dark, dry place, tightly closed in its bag. You should not wet it, because its chemical composition deteriorates and it loses its properties.

Cake with soda
Cake with soda

Culinary application of baking soda

We have already hinted at what exactly is due to the magical power of soda as a leavening agent. Baking soda is also part of the baking powder, which also contains acids (such as citric acid), acid salts (hydrogen phosphates, etc.). They have the ability to react when moistened with soda with the release of carbonic acid. The latter decomposes into water and carbon dioxide and causes the puffing process, as well as the formation of pores in the pastries.

Except for various pastries - cakes, pastries, cakes, cakes, donuts, muffins, buns, etc. Baking soda also finds various culinary applications. Some experts advise soaking vegetables for a few hours in water with baking soda, which helps remove harmful substances during processing.

Benefits of baking soda

Baking soda can help with a number of health problems, both internally and externally. It is used to treat canker sores in the mouth, chickenpox, sore throat, dyspepsia, gum disease, urinary tract infection, heartburn, foot odor, sunburn, dry mouth, itching, body odor, heat rash, urticaria, insect bites and stings, foreign body under the skin, athletic foot, etc.

Bicarbonate of soda is one of the fastest acting antacids. It soothes itching from insect bites and stings, helps remove tartar, neutralizes acids that damage teeth. Soda relieves the symptoms of a bladder infection.

Doctors use it to regulate the acidity of the blood during hemodialysis. In medical practice 0.5-2% solution of baking soda is used for rinsing and rinsing in rhinitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis, etc.

Bicarbonate of soda
Bicarbonate of soda

Medicinal recipes with baking soda

With a cold

Pour 1 tsp into the kettle. water and add 1 tsp. soda. After boiling the water, a paper tube (not from a newspaper or magazine) is placed in the nose of the kettle. Inhale the steam from the kettle for 10-15 minutes.

For expectoration

Drink 2 times a day on an empty stomach ½ tsp. hot water in which it is dissolved ½ tsp. soda and a pinch of salt. To soothe a sore throat, gargle with the same solution every 4 hours.

With canker sores

To disinfect the mucous membrane of the mouth with frequent aphthae, you should rinse your mouth after each meal with a solution of baking soda (85 g), salt (85 g) and urea (2.5 g).

Masks with soda
Masks with soda

Headache and migraine

If stomach dysfunction is associated with acidity disorders, it is a common cause of headaches. For such cases helps 1 tsp. room temperature milk with 2 pinches of soda - this neutralizes stomach acid and soothes headaches.

Migraines can be relieved by drinking boiled water with ½ teaspoon daily. soda in it. On the first day, half an hour before noon, drink 1 tsp. boiled water in which half a teaspoon is dissolved. soda, on the second day - 2 tsp. etc. up to 7 tsp, after which the norm is reduced every day by 1 tsp.

Beautify with baking soda

Unexpected, but baking soda can also be used successfully as a cosmetic product. In addition to relieving burns and rashes on the skin, soda is also used as:

Soda as a facial scrub

Moisturize the face and with gentle movements exfoliate your skin with 1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda. When finished, rinse with lukewarm water and apply your daily cream.

Face mask with soda

Mix 1 tsp. soda with 1 tbsp. flour. Add a little water for a thick paste. Apply to your skin, which you have thoroughly cleaned beforehand. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.

Soda to remove pimples

Wet your finger with water, melt it in baking soda and immediately put the resulting slurry on your finger on the pimple. Leave on for as long as possible and clean.

Soda to remove foot odor

Make a foot bath by dissolving soda in warm water in a basin. Baking soda neutralizes acids that cause foot odor. It can also be used under the arms to eliminate the same problem.

Homemade toothpaste with baking soda

2 tbsp. baking soda + 2 drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oil + enough water to make a thick paste. Thus prepared homemade toothpaste can be stored in airtight containers for a month at room temperature.

Harm from baking soda

To drive away heartburn, frequent consumption of baking soda is not recommended, no matter how famous it is in this regard. It only alleviates the current condition, but can lead to more severe consequences. Relief usually comes instantly, but lasts about 30 minutes. Frequent use of this method of treatment of acids is not recommended, because baking soda is rich in sodium, which helps to raise blood pressure.
