Why Are Apples The Most Popular Fruit?

Why Are Apples The Most Popular Fruit?
Why Are Apples The Most Popular Fruit?

There is no more popular fruit than the apple, say American nutritionists. According to the latest statistical research, apples are the most frequently bought fruit in the world.

This is due to both their useful properties and the many legends associated with them. Thus, without feeling it, we supply our body with useful substances thanks to extremely ancient "advertisements".

Most legends are associated with apples. Is there anyone who does not know the biblical parable of the tempting serpent and the tree of knowledge? In folk tales, the apple is a fruit that is magical and usually bestows youth.

The beginning of the Trojan War was laid by the apple of discord, which caused a quarrel among the gods of Olympus. How can we not remember Newton, who discovered the law of gravity with the help of an apple that fell on his head.

New York is known worldwide for its pet name - the Big Apple. According to scientists, the popularity of the apple is due to the fact that it has been a favorite fruit of many peoples around the world for centuries.

The wild apple was known to humans before all other fruit trees. It was first cultivated in Asia Minor. From there it was transferred to Egypt and Palestine, and later to Ancient Greece and Rome.

Two centuries before the new era, caring farmers bred over 25 different types of apples, which differed in color and taste. Golden apples have entered the legends and folk tales of many countries. Most likely this is due to the sweet taste of yellow apples.

Apples are very valuable for the body because they contain vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant and is good for metabolism, as well as for bones and skin. Apples contain 50 percent more vitamin A than oranges.

Why are apples the most popular fruit?
Why are apples the most popular fruit?

Some types of apples contain ten times more vitamin C than oranges. It participates in the synthesis of collagen, increases the body's resistance to various types of infections.

The delicious fruits also contain many B vitamins, which are necessary for the body to function normally in the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Vitamin G is found in apples in greater quantities than in any other fruit. It is necessary for growth as well as for normal digestion. They also contain calcium, which is good for bones.

The unique thing in apples is pectin, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol and helps with diets. Eating apples regularly helps the body lose weight as it prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat.

Unloading days with apples are very popular. For this you need a kilo and a half of apples. Distribute them so that you get six meals. Remember that many valuable substances are contained in the peel of apples.
