The Most Popular Varieties Of Apples

The Most Popular Varieties Of Apples
The Most Popular Varieties Of Apples

“One apple a day keeps the doctor away from me!” If you haven’t heard this maxim, it’s time to correct that mistake by starting to eat apples more often. There are many and different things in Bulgaria varieties of apples, which is tastier and more useful than which.

Apples are consumed mainly raw, but are processed into various forms such as juices, baked in various dishes, dried, and processed into various alcoholic beverages. Here it is the most popular varieties of apples!

There are over 7500 different apples. Most of them are desserts and are eaten raw. However, there are also cultivated - they are specially for cooking or making cider. Apples for cider are usually too tart and hard to eat, but they give the drink a rich flavor that dessert apples cannot.

One of the most frequently grown and consumed, at least in our country, are the varieties Golden Delicious and Gala.

Golden delicious

It is variety of apples, which is very tasty and popular not only in Bulgaria but all over the world. This apple is large, with a yellow color of the fruit. It usually ripens in September. This variety of apples are juicy, sweet and very useful.


popular variety of apples
popular variety of apples

It is variety of appleswhich has a red color. It occurs when two other varieties of apples are crossed - namely - the varieties Keeds Orange Red and Golden Superb. These apples are smaller in size, reddish-orange, often there are vertical lines on them. Unlike Golden Superb, they have a slightly more sour taste.


This is another well known one variety of apples in Bulgaria. As its name suggests, the apple is called Petrovka, as it can be picked on St. Peter's Day, in the summer. This apple is small and its colors are either red or green. It is very characteristic of Petrovka that it has a specific aroma and sweet and sour taste.


This variety of apples can be defined as a Bulgarian winter variety. Aivania apples are not very large and have a conical shape. They are usually greenish-yellow in color, with slight redness in places.


It is variety of applescoming from France. There, however, they do not call her that, but Kerina. The main color is yellow-green, almost entirely covered with red to dark red stripes, with numerous white dots and a moderate waxy coating.

Granny Smith is among the most popular varieties of apples
Granny Smith is among the most popular varieties of apples

Granny Smith

It is variety of appleswhich we are sure you have tried, although it was discovered in Australia in 1868. It is named after Mary Ann Smith, who developed the variety from a random shoot. The fruits change from completely green to yellow when overripe. The acidity decreases significantly during ripening and the apple acquires a balanced taste.
