Cold Water Interferes With Digestion

Cold Water Interferes With Digestion
Cold Water Interferes With Digestion

Our body needs fluids to function properly. The blood consists of 80% water and our brain - 75%. And if we don't drink enough fluids, salts, nutrients and hormones won't be able to be transported optimally. The risk of thrombosis will increase, we will get tired more easily and it will be difficult to concentrate. So we have to make sure we drink enough water.

However, recent studies have shown that cold water taken with food can impair proper digestion.

The ancient Chinese knew about the disadvantages of cold water during food and for this reason for thousands of years they replaced it with hot drinks, teas and more.

And proper digestion is extremely important for the normal functioning of the whole organism, so that it has enough energy to perform daily needs, to extract such important vitamins and minerals, for the body's immune defenses.

Studies show that with normal digestion of meat, eggs, fish, cheese, legumes, nuts and seeds, they stay in the stomach for nearly 4-5 hours, necessary for digestive processes. In this case, however, if cold water is consumed during a meal, they stay in the stomach for only 20 minutes.


This makes it difficult to break them down and absorb them. This food fails to break down in the gut, begins to ferment and release toxic chemicals. Causes bloating, gas, belching, bad breath, diarrhea, headache, allergies and more.

As a result, ice water during eating can slow down digestive processes. Thus, the food is not processed properly and the necessary nutrients are not extracted from it. In addition, this cold drink makes the body warm, which requires energy.

For this reason, experts advise to avoid cold liquids, but to take them at room temperature and drink at least 30 minutes before and after meals. It has been proven that the consumption of warmer drinks facilitates digestion, improves peristalsis and thus allows the body to absorb the necessary amounts of nutrients.
