How To Choose A Watermelon

How To Choose A Watermelon
How To Choose A Watermelon

When buying a watermelon, do not take the first one in front of you, but follow these few tips that guarantee you a sweet and ripe watermelon.

• Always buy watermelon in August. The watermelons exposed before this month were most likely treated and ripened under human intervention;

• You can recognize the beautiful red and sweet watermelon by a yellowish-orange spot at the bottom of the watermelon. The darker it is, the more ripe the watermelon is. If the spot is white-greenish, it means that it is not yet well ripened.

• A dry bunch is no guarantee that the watermelon is ripe. Here we must add that the dried bunch does not always mean a ripe watermelon, as our grandmothers claim. Nowadays, traders tie the knot in the first days after detachment, due to which the handle dries.

• Ripe and sweet watermelon makes a nice resounding sound and squeaks at the slightest touch;

• Choose medium-sized watermelons. Too large watermelons are fed a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer, which means that they contain a large amount of nitrates, and small watermelons are immature and malnourished.

When you follow these steps, you will truly enjoy the taste of watermelon - it will be ripe and therefore sweet.
