Green Onion

Green Onion
Green Onion

Everyone knows how useful vegetables are and how their consumption gives us health and longevity. One very commonly used vegetable on the Bulgarian table is green onions, which most people consider quite ordinary and do not think that in fact it is extremely rich in valuable substances and therefore very useful for health.

History of green onions

For the first time this unpretentious and at the same time extremely valuable plant was grown in Asia. Animal shepherds were the first to realize that its bulbs were edible. Arriving in Egypt, green onions are already beginning to be grown as a cultivated plant.

An interesting fact is that its healing properties were discovered by the ancient Greeks, and the warriors of Rome consumed it because they believed that it strengthens their endurance.

Composition of green onions

Green onions contains a serious set of useful substances and vitamins. It is rich in fiber and sugars, of the vitamins are best represented B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E and K1.

Of the minerals, the largest amounts are iron, potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, sodium, selenium, zinc and phosphorus. Green onions also have a number of valuable amino acids. A very interesting fact is that the amount of sugar in green onions exceeds that in pears and apples.

Fresh onion
Fresh onion

Growing green onions

The cultivation of green onion can be performed both indoors and outdoors. It is usually a pre-crop on areas that were designated for earlier tomatoes, aubergines, cabbage and peppers. Soil preparation consists of fertilizing and shaping the space.

The bulbs are planted at a depth of 4-5 cm and at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Planting can be done in the fall (late September to late November), thus providing fresh green onions in the spring months. Green onions can be planted in early spring, but production in this case will be expected in May and June.

After the manual arrangement of the bulbs at a depth of 4-5 cm, they are covered with soil. It is necessary to keep the soil free of weeds and loose, which is achieved through the use of herbicides and regular hoeing.

When the leaves of green onions reach the normal size, proceed to its collection. Onions are plucked and cleaned of soil, old husks and yellow leaves.

Cooking with green onions

Green onions are extremely well known in cooking, and thanks to their lighter taste it is widely used in Bulgarian cuisine. It is an integral part of the favorite green salad, which is one of the typical spring dishes that the Bulgarian puts on his table. In combination with lettuce, cucumber and radish, flavored with salt, vinegar and oil, you get an amazing salad.

Green onions can be used instead of ordinary onions when kneading minced meatballs, in dishes with rice, soups and stews.

Stew with onions
Stew with onions

Lamb in combination with green onions is a real delight for the senses. One of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare it is in combination with scrambled eggs. Can be used in various sauces, cakes and pies.

We offer you a great and very easy recipe for bread with green onions.

Necessary products: 150 ml of boiling water, 3 tbsp. oil, about 300 g of flour, salt and a bunch of green onions

Method of preparation: Mix the flour with the salt and pour over the water. Gradually knead the dough and leave it for about 1 hour. Then cut it into 7-8 pieces. Roll each one thinly, grease it with a little oil and sprinkle with finely chopped onions.

Roll the loaves into rolls and shape them into a snail. As they are wrapped, roll them out and bake on both sides in a lightly greased pan. Serve immediately.

Benefits of green onions

Useful properties of green onions are a number. It is rich in phytoncides that protect the body from viral infections, and the chlorophyll in it is useful for blood formation.

Green onions are an extremely useful vegetable for conditions such as spring fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, beriberi. It contains substances that strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls.

The high levels of calcium and phosphorus in onions have a beneficial effect on teeth. Green onions have a low glycemic index, so it is recommended for consumption by athletes and those who want to lose weight.

It is useful for consumption in flu and colds, because phytoncides have a detrimental effect on diseased microorganisms. It is important to note that the zinc in green onions is much more than other green vegetables.

Zinc is a very important element, and its deficiency leads to brittle nails and hair loss, has an adverse effect on the female reproductive system, and in men affects testosterone and sperm activity.

Green onions prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and the amounts of potassium and sodium in it help remove excess fluid from the body. The presence of iron helps increase hemoglobin.

Some recent research has shown that in green onions contains a large amount of quercetin, which is known as a powerful antioxidant that fights cancer.

Harm from green onions

Green onions not suitable for consumption by people suffering from colitis and gastritis, because it increases the acidity in the stomach and even more irritated. People with more sensitive gastrointestinal mucosa should also avoid taking it. People with diabetes and liver disease should avoid it.
