

Although lemons are not the preferred afternoon snack, they are a real find when we want to emphasize the aroma of other foods. They are available all year round, but the peak is around May, June and August.

Lemons are round in shape with a yellow skin and an interior divided into 8 to 10 segments.

The Latin name of lemons is Citrus limon and although most of them are tart and sour in taste, they are also surprisingly refreshing. The main two types of sour lemons are Eureka and Lisbon, but there are also varieties that are sweet in taste. One such example is the Mayer lemon, which is becoming increasingly popular in shops and restaurants.

Lemons were created as a cross between lime and lemon and originally appeared in China and India, where they have been cultivated since about 2500. They were first introduced to Europe by the Arabs, who brought them to Spain in the 11th century. of lemons are the United States, Spain, Greece, Israel and Turkey.

Composition of lemons

Lemon tree
Lemon tree

Lemons contain a large amount of vitamin C and citric acid, which gives the known acidity of these citrus fruits. Lemons also contain vitamin B5 and B9, they are extremely rich in potassium and magnesium. Lemons also contain the substance limonin, which is found mainly in the peel, but can also be found in the juice.

100 g of lemon contain 88.9 g of water, 1 g of protein, 0.30 g of fat, 9.32 g of carbon, 2.8 g of fiber, 26 mg of calcium, 8 mg of magnesium, 53 mg of vitamin C, 0.1 mg of niacin, 138 mg of potassium, 2 mg of sodium, 16 mg of phosphorus.

Selection and storage of lemons

- Choose those that have a thin rather than thick crust, as they are juicier.

- Choose the yellow ones lemonsas those that have a greenish color will not be ripe enough and will have an overly sour taste.

- Lemons are stored well at room temperature for about a week. If you want to store them for longer, you can put them in the refrigerator where they will last about a month.

- Lemon juice can also be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator.

Lemon cake
Lemon cake

Lemons in cooking

The fruit of the lemon, as well as its peel are widely used in cooking and especially in confectionery. They are also used as an ingredient in many tonic drinks, candies, creams, pastries. In addition, lemon juice replaces vinegar in many salads.

The property of lemon to preserve the taste of fruits and vegetables has long been known. Once cut, each fruit or vegetable turns black from contact with air due to oxidation. To stop this process, it is enough to rub the fruits and vegetables with a slice of lemon or just pour a little lemon juice.

Sliced lemons are an indispensable addition to hot teas and other herbal drinks. Fresh lemonade from lemons and ice is one of the most popular summer soft drinks.

Benefits of lemons

Lemons and limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Apart from the fact that the so-called Flavanol glycosides stop cell division in many cancer cells, perhaps the most interesting thing about them is that they have antibiotic effects. In some villages in West Africa, where cholera is common, it is mandatory to take lime juice during the main meal. Researchers have found that this prevents the spread of the infection.

Composition of lemons
Composition of lemons

In addition to their unique phytonutrient properties, lemons and limes are an exclusive source of vitamin C - one of the most important natural antioxidants. Vitamin C is distributed throughout the human body, neutralizing all free radicals and thus protecting us from developing diseases such as atherosclerosis, inflammatory polyarthritis and diabetic heart disease.

In animal studies and laboratory tests with human cells, the compounds called limonoids and contained in lemons and limes have been shown to be effective against cancer of the mouth, skin, lungs, chest, stomach and colon. The limonin (a type of limonoid) found in these fruits is in approximately the same amount as vitamin C and has extremely lasting properties. Compared to other natural anticarcinogens, such as the phenols in green tea and chocolate, which remain active in the body 4-6 hours after ingestion, limonine sometimes continues to act for up to 24 hours after ingestion!

To have the most antioxidants, choose these fruits fully ripe. The more mature they are, reaching almost the point where they will spoil, the more antioxidants they have.

Harm from lemons

The limes and lemons are among the few foods containing oxylates - natural substances found in plants, animals and humans. When oxylates become too concentrated in body fluids, they crystallize and can lead to health problems. For this reason, some people who have problems with the kidneys or bile, it is good to be careful with the intake of these fruits.

Beautification with lemons

Lemon juice
Lemon juice

The most important cosmetic effects of lemons are related to whitening and normalizing the secretion of oily skin. Lemons are a very good remedy against bacterial and viral rashes, soften rough skin areas and help heal cracked skin. Lemons are a natural means of giving a lighter color to the hair, giving it a delightful shine. They remove dandruff, strengthen nails and are generally one of the best means of maintaining healthy and beautiful skin on the hands. They have an effective anti-cellulite effect.

Weight loss with lemons

Lemon juice is one of the most suitable means of cleansing the body from maintaining tone. Lemons take part in a number of diets because they are very useful, have a cleansing effect on the liver, neutralize cholesterol in the blood and remove toxins. Lemons improve digestion, and warm water with lemon on an empty stomach helps to lose weight, even without following specific diets. Nutritionists advise to consume at least half a lemon a day - sliced in a salad or squeezed into tea.
