Culinary Traditions In Armenian Cuisine

Culinary Traditions In Armenian Cuisine
Culinary Traditions In Armenian Cuisine

Armenian cuisine is the oldest in the Caucasus region and one of the oldest in Asia. Its characteristic features have been preserved since the millennium BC - in the period of the formation of the Armenian people to the present day.

In the past, the population of today's Armenia began to cook on the vertical oven for cooking toner. From there it became popular throughout Transcaucasia. Cooking in toner gives an unusual specificity to everything that is prepared in it - bread, meat, fish, vegetables.

It is in toner that the popular Armenian lavash bread is baked. It is about a meter long and a thin, easy to roll strip of dough. To this day, in the rural areas of Armenia, the locals stock up on lavash for the winter, drying it and storing it in the ground. Before consumption it is only necessary to spray with water and heat.

Today the traditional Armenian dishes can be defined as sharp, with a pronounced spicy taste. Spices are a highlight, the most commonly used being cumin, pepper, garlic and various aromatic green plants. The most commonly cooked meats are beef and lamb. Pork is used much less often.


Like the dishes, the hors d'oeuvres in Armenian cuisine also have a rather sharp taste. The typical and loved by Armenians sausage contains many fragrant and hot ingredients such as cinnamon, garlic and hot peppers.

In Armenian cuisine, like Bulgarian, many vegetables are used. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, potatoes, carrots, spinach, asparagus, pumpkin, green beans, okra, zucchini and many others are actively cooked.

Many of them are used in various dishes in combination with local and fish products. Perhaps the most popular vegetable is the eggplant, which is used to make storats - rolls of blue tomatoes stuffed with milk and garlic.

Armenians also use fruits for cooking. Quinces, plums, lemons, pomegranates, raisins and others are used in the preparation of meat and fish dishes. Dried apricots are used to enrich dishes with lamb and other meats or various soups, such as lentils.


Besides vegetables, fruits and meat a significant place in Armenian cuisine occupy flour dishes and cereals. In addition to the traditional lavash bread, Armenians also prepare a kind of aritsha pits. Chicken porridge is used to make chicken porridge called arisa. Especially favorite of all Armenians are the various rice pilafs.

The use of lactic acid products is also present in the Armenian culinary tradition. Among tach the most common is matsun, which is made from cow's, sheep's and buffalo's milk.

More traditional recipes from the Armenian cuisine: Armenian boykos, Armenian meatballs, Armenian bread, Armenian sweets, Armenian lavash.
