Low Calorie Desserts

Low Calorie Desserts
Low Calorie Desserts

Dessert is the end of a really delicious lunch or dinner. However, most desserts contain too many calories and are detrimental to the elegant silhouette.

However, there are desserts that are delicious and at the same time do not contain so many calories that you can eat very few of them.

Low-calorie dessert is prepared with cottage cheese and apples. You need 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, half a cup of sugar, 2 apples, 6 tablespoons of semolina, 2 eggs, 1 vanilla, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, grated rind of half a lemon, 125 milliliters of low-fat cream, 1 pinch of salt.

The curd is mixed with sugar and egg yolks. The proteins are broken down separately and added to the boiled mixture. Add the semolina, vanilla, baking powder, lemon peel, salt, stir and leave for ten minutes.

Low calorie desserts
Low calorie desserts

Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes. Add to the boiled mixture and stir. Pour the mixture into a greased pan.

Smooth the surface with a spatula, bake for 50 minutes at 190 degrees.

A low-calorie dessert is the egg flan. You need 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of water, 1.5 teaspoons of low-fat milk, 1 can of condensed sweetened milk.

Beat the eggs with the milk and condensed milk until smooth. Mix the sugar with the water and heat in a bowl until light brown.

Spread the caramel on the bottom and walls of the form in which the flan will be prepared - the round shape with high boards is ideal as for a cake.

Pour the egg mixture into the form, cover the form with foil and fix by folding the edges under the edge of the form. Boil water in a large deep saucepan.

Reduce to medium heat, put the form inside and leave for 15 minutes. Remove, cool, remove the foil and turn over on a large plate.
