Lauric Acid - Benefits And Application

Lauric Acid - Benefits And Application
Lauric Acid - Benefits And Application

Lauric acid, also known as dodecanoic acid, is a type of saturated fatty acid. It is found mainly in coconut oil, palm kernel oil and milk. Highest content of lauric acid in fact, it is present in human milk, but cow's and goat's milk also contain a significant amount.

Lauric acid has antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties. It is used against all infections in the body, fungi, viruses and bacteria, as well as for faster wound healing.

Lauric acid it also has antiviral properties. It relieves the symptoms of people who suffer from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It has been shown to slow the progression of the virus.

It also has a good effect on the reproductive system. It is believed to cure chlamydia, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

Lauric acid is part of many medications that help with heart problems, fight diabetes, bad cholesterol, bronchitis, hypertension and even cancer.

Lauric acid works on cancer cells, dissolving them. It thus causes oxidative stress and reduces the levels of glutathione that infected cells need. This leads to prevention of free radicals and successful treatment of the disease. The action of lauric acid is especially beneficial in the fight against colon cancer.

coconut oil with lauric acid
coconut oil with lauric acid

Lauric acid is used widely and in cosmetics. Due to its natural origin, it is absorbed by the skin without leaving greasy traces. Helps fight acne and other skin problems. It has a moisturizing, rejuvenating, tightening effect, helps to slow down the aging process of the skin. Makes the skin smooth and velvety.

Lauric acid is also used in cooking. For this purpose, coconut oil is mainly used, which contains 50% lauric acid.

Coconut oil can be used for frying and roasting, and is especially suitable for cooking at higher temperatures.

You can add it to smoothies and various salad dressings.

When making homemade mayonnaise, you can replace sunflower oil with coconut oil - the taste will surprise you very pleasantly.
