Bouquets Of Spices

Bouquets Of Spices
Bouquets Of Spices

To make the dishes have a unique taste, create your own bouquets of spices. For vegetable garnishes to different types of meat, almost all types of vegetables are used, including root spices.

Their taste is improved by adding a little honey or sugar, which gives them a sweet taste and is flavored with aromatic vinegar with tarragon or other spices, lemon juice, wine and olive oil.

If you want to flavor home-made vegetable pate, use green onions or fresh peppers, finely chopped. For the preparation of garnishes or salads with fresh cucumbers use a mixture of black pepper, paprika - hot or sweet, green onions, anise.

The following bouquet of spices is used to prepare spinach garnishes: garlic, dill, basil. For garnishes of red beets: a mixture of cumin, horseradish, tarragon, anise. For garnishes of white cabbage: a bouquet of cumin, cloves, black pepper, sweet or hot red pepper, marjoram, coriander, garlic, onion.

Types of Spices
Types of Spices

For sauerkraut are used in combination spices: onion, garlic, black pepper, mushrooms, red hot or sweet pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, cumin, nutmeg, horseradish, basil, tarragon. The ratio of spices is to your taste.

For preparing side dishes or dishes of beans: a bouquet of black pepper, marjoram, garlic, onion, coriander, hot or sweet red pepper.

A bouquet of spices tarragon, ginger, cardamom, garlic, nutmeg, paprika, parsley, saffron, marjoram, coriander is used to prepare dishes or garnishes with rice.

The bouquet of spices used in the preparation of dishes or garnishes of potatoes are onions, celery, black pepper, cumin, marjoram, basil, dill, bay leaf.

For french fries the most suitable are mixed onions, black pepper, cumin, marjoram and basil. A fragrant bouquet of onions, black pepper, parsley or other fresh spices to taste is suitable for mashed potatoes.
