The Salad Of The Bulgarian Traditions

The Salad Of The Bulgarian Traditions
The Salad Of The Bulgarian Traditions

If anyone ever provokes a dispute as to what the sign of our national identity should be in culinary terms, it is Shopska salad would be a leader. It has no opponents when it comes to its undeniable taste and its exceptional adaptability to another national symbol - brandy.

It sounds almost unbelievable then that this unchanging menu item of every pub that respects its customers is only about 60 years old. It is not possible, you would say, and it is probably an attempt to distort the story.

But it is true. Salad, including Shopska, is neither in our culinary history, nor in folklore, nor in our literature. The most popular names from our classic texts - Hadji Gencho, Chorbadji Marko, Varlaam Koprinarkata, neither eat nor mention that they have tried Shopska salad.

The salad of the Bulgarian traditions
The salad of the Bulgarian traditions

And it is something like processed folklore - it is so well thought out and touched that you can't give it years.

For the first time a recipe with the products for the Shopska salad appeared in the 50s of the XX century in a culinary collection edited by the famous Penka Cholcheva. It has not yet been named Shopska, but the combination of tomato, cucumber, roasted or raw pepper and onion has already been announced.

The salad experienced a real culinary flourishing in the 70s, when it convincingly managed to establish itself as one of the symbols of the national cuisine. The success is due to the simple and very close to the eating habits of the Bulgarians combination.

The salad of the Bulgarian traditions
The salad of the Bulgarian traditions

And indeed, it looks as if it has been prepared from time immemorial as an unshakable part of tradition. Whether the colors of the vegetables look for the symbolism of the national flag, or this is an additional effect of the successful combination - decide for yourself.
