

Chlorophyll is an organic compound found in all green plants and algae. Perhaps no one does not know that chlorophyll is the key factor in photosynthesis, absorbing sunlight and using it to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

It is no coincidence that some people call chlorophyll the plant equivalent of human blood because it is the main source of plant life. The other reason is that chlorophyll is structured at the molecular level almost like hemoglobin in human blood. The difference is in the central atom of the chlorophyll molecule, which contains magnesium, not iron.

Back in 1926, scientist Charles Schnabel studied cereal grasses and the possible link between hemoglobin in humans and pheophytin in chlorophyll. Further research only confirmed the finding and all led to the conclusion that chlorophyll is a stimulant of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Benefits of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll was first used for medical purposes in the middle of the last century. It performs two very important functions - improves blood circulation and increases hemoglobin.

Chlophoryl has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves the work of the uterus and lungs, cleanses the liver of toxins, heavy metals and waste products. It has a very valuable anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating effect.

Many experts believe that one of the most important health benefits that chlorophyll brings is to enrich the blood with oxygen, and at the same time cleanse it of harmful toxins.

Chlorophyll protects and aids in the treatment of atherosclerosis, helps tissue repair, heals wounds and diseases that are associated with the presence of oxalate stones.


Improves thyroid function and increases immunity, protects against bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Chlophoryl is believed to have pronounced anti-cancer properties, blocking and removing harmful chemicals from the body that damage DNA. Chlorophyll has high levels of vitamin A, which makes it a powerful antioxidant.

Chlorophyll also contains folic acid, iron, protein, calcium, vitamins K and C, all of which are extremely important for strengthening immunity. Chlorophyll is also credited with antiseptic action because it strengthens tissue integrity and increases cell resilience, which in turn prevents the growth of bacteria.

Chlorophyll is extremely valuable in terms of eliminating bad breath and other unpleasant body odors. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system, which leads to less unpleasant odors.

Chlorophyll provides a large amount of magnesium and helps deliver oxygen to all tissues and cells. Magnesium is important not only for the supply of oxygen, but also for the formation of bones, nerves and muscle function.

In addition, it is crucial for the health of the kidneys, liver, digestive and nervous systems, cardiovascular system, glands that secrete hormones and the brain. They all rely on magnesium for their functions. Chlorophyll helps with anemia because it stimulates red blood cells.

The modern diet of very refined products, low in fiber and high in fat, causes serious problems with the stomach and colon. Namely green vegetables with a high content of chlophoryl help for good colon health.

Sources of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll has a number of ingredients that make it a valuable part of a healthy diet. It is mostly found in dark green vegetables - spinach, kale, broccoli, lettuce, peas. It is found in wheat and barley, spirulina and some algae. The rule is that the greener a food is, the richer it is in chlorophyll.

However, when these vegetables are consumed, they should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment because it reduces the chlorophyll in them. It is best to eat raw or cooked for a short time.

Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables

Chlorophyll it can now be found in the form of various dietary supplements that can be purchased from specialty stores. Nevertheless, it is best for the valuable substance to be obtained from its natural plant sources.

New research provides very interesting facts about the consumption of foods rich in chlorophyll. It turns out that it is best for people to eat vegetables when they are in the sun, because in this way the mitochondria in human cells produce much more energy when they are in sunlight.

The same study shows that thanks to a diet rich in chlorophyll, people are able to capture sunlight with a certain wavelength, which increases the energy produced by mitochondria.