We Drive 98 Km In The Kitchen Annually

Video: We Drive 98 Km In The Kitchen Annually

Video: We Drive 98 Km In The Kitchen Annually
Video: Kaycee's Supermarket, LEARN Go, Glow and Grow foods 2024, September
We Drive 98 Km In The Kitchen Annually
We Drive 98 Km In The Kitchen Annually

A person walks 98 kilometers a year in the kitchen, show the results of a new British study - in other words, this is the distance between Oxford and London. Experts explain that the average British person makes about 130 thousand steps a year in their kitchen.

To achieve these results, scientists conducted a study involving 60 people. The study lasted a week, during which the volunteers in the experiment wore a pedometer, which constantly monitored how many steps they take in their kitchen.

After seven days, the specialists checked the results and multiplied the obtained data by 52 - the number of weeks in the year, so that they could get the final result.

It turns out that during the working week most people enter the kitchen in the morning or evening, but on weekends the traffic is much higher - they spend an average of six hours in the kitchen.


The main activity remains cooking - about 86 percent of people do just that in their kitchens. 35 percent also define the kitchen as a suitable place for conversations with close people, and 24% use the Internet while they are there.

25 percent of the respondents answered that they do housework. Usually doctors recommend a person to take 10 thousand steps a day, and about 1400 we do every day in the kitchen alone.

When it comes to home renovation, the kitchen is among the rooms that cost the most money - the price includes not only repainting the walls or replacing cabinets, but also all the appliances needed for a home.

Refreshing the interior of any room can be a really difficult task if one does not know where to focus. Instead of blindly following any trends, make the room to your liking - so that you and your family feel comfortable and pleasant.

In case you do not have a very large home and want to make the most of the space, make the kitchen not just a place for cooking and washing dishes, but a room where the family has fun and gathers.

Add a sofa and a large dining table - the idea is to make the kitchen a place where every member of your family wants to enter. In addition, this way you will drive a lot more kilometers next year.
