5 Reasons To Be Careful With Coffee

5 Reasons To Be Careful With Coffee
5 Reasons To Be Careful With Coffee

There are many different opinions about the pros and cons of coffee. Here are five reasons why you should not overdo the caffeinated beverage.

- Coffee is harmful to the heart and raises blood pressure

People who suffer from hypertension should be very careful with coffee. The brown drink creates preconditions for an increase in blood pressure and gradually it can remain in constantly high limits.

- Coffee causes insomnia

Coffee stimulates the nervous system. But you have to be very careful, because the increased amount of caffeine causes nervousness and insomnia. So it is best to limit yourself to your favorite drink in the evening. But every rule has an exception. There are also people for whom caffeine acts as a hypnotic.


- Coffee accumulates plaque on the teeth

Have you noticed that the teeth of coffee drinkers have lost our natural whiteness? Cocoa, carbohydrates, sugar and coffee contribute to the appearance of plaque on the teeth.

- Coffee increases cholesterol levels

Cafestol, which is contained in coffee, significantly raises blood cholesterol levels. Cafestol is contained in the largest quantities in espresso and in coffee brewed in a coffee maker. If you drink 5 cups of such coffee for a month, your cholesterol level will jump by 6-8%.

- Coffee is addictive

The caffeine in coffee leads to a narcotic substance. It acts on areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of pleasure. The autonomic vascular system sometimes refuses to work until the body's caffeine hunger is satisfied.
