Diet For The First Place In The Marathon

Diet For The First Place In The Marathon
Diet For The First Place In The Marathon

The marathon is a long-distance run with a total length of 42,195 km, which puts the human body under great physical and mental strain.

The human body is able to adapt to all conditions, stress, load, but of great importance for a positive result is the right diet. This would ensure the intake of the necessary amounts of energy material, as well as faster recovery afterwards.

Marathoners undergo a lot of grueling training during the training period, as well as at the time of the race. This requires the intake of significant amounts of carbohydrates, providing energy, proteins needed to build muscle, and fluids - to prevent dehydration.

Carbohydrates are very valuable for anyone wishing to participate in a marathon. Research shows that 71% of the energy athletes need comes from these nutrients, and only 29% from fat. And to deliver the right amount to the body, it must consume 8-12 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.

Eating larger amounts of carbohydrates two ability the liver and muscles to store excess. Thus, in the form of glycogen, glucose is stored until its energy is needed.

It is important that the body does not become dehydrated. Sufficient fluids should be taken. It has been found that the loss of more than 2% of fluids on the background of body weight can be dangerous to health.


It is important that the drinks contain electrolytes, because with sweating during the marathon they are lost. It is also believed that coconut water is a good option.

Protein can be obtained successfully by eating foods such as chicken, fish, eggs, tender red meat. For vegetarians, protein is also found in cottage cheese, tofu and legumes.

An example of a first place marathon menu that anyone can make is the following.

For breakfast - a bowl of oatmeal and raisins, a glass of unsweetened fruit juice and, if desired - a toast with jam.

Fresh or dried fruits, a piece of malt bread are allowed before lunch. For lunch, eat stuffed potatoes with beans and cheese and lettuce. The addition of a dressing, which is low in fat, is allowed.

Before dinner, a glass of low-fat milk and a piece of fruit is allowed, and for dinner - pasta with tuna, vegetables and tomato sauce. For dessert, you can afford a fresh fruit salad.
