10 Foods That Will Make You Even Hungrier

10 Foods That Will Make You Even Hungrier
10 Foods That Will Make You Even Hungrier

Nutrition is a very important element of human health. Experts have always advised to stick to healthy food and frequent eating. It is usually difficult for people to choose what to eat in between.

There are some foods that increase the feeling of hunger and instead of satiating you, they complicate the situation.

Here are the foods that will make you even hungrier. Remember them to avoid them.

№1 Breakfast cereal

This is one of the most popular breakfast choices, but not the best. Breakfast cereals are usually refined grains that are quickly absorbed by the body. And this can lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar, and subsequently to severe hunger.

To feel full for a longer time, have breakfast with protein - such as eggs, peanut butter, avocado and more. If you still want to eat breakfast cereal, mix it with some protein so you don't get hungry soon after.

№2 Bread

Bread leads to starvation
Bread leads to starvation

Bread usually satisfies a lot after you eat it, as well as donuts, croissants, patties and so on. However, pasta is not the best choice if you want to feel full for a long time. Consumption of pasta raises blood sugar levels. As a result, your body produces more insulin. And that leads to severe hungereven though you just ate.

№3 Fresh

Have you ever felt that after drinking fruit juice, your energy dropped sharply? Maybe you felt exhausted? This is again due to blood sugar. Fresh fruit contains all the sugar from the fruit, without any of their useful fibers. When you eat a whole apple, for example, its fiber slows down the absorption of fructose from the blood. However, when you drink apple juice, you are essentially drinking liquid sugar, which will raise your blood sugar levels.

№4 Low-fat yogurt

From low-fat yogurt you get hungry
From low-fat yogurt you get hungry

We all believe that yogurt is a healthy product. However, many brands are trying to create the impression that fat in milk is harmful. The goal is to sell their low-fat yogurts. It usually contains added sugar, probably through the flavors or fruits that are added to the milk. Experts say that it is very likely that after eating skim yogurt, you are looking for something sweet or pasta.

№5 Rice snacks

They are preferred by very active people who just put them in the bag and know that whenever they are hungry, they have something on hand. Rice snacks are very crunchy and delicious, but they will not satiate you. If you still like them, spread them with cottage cheese or cottage cheese or other source of protein to saturate for longer.

№6 Crackers

They are not the best and healthiest choice for a snack, for example. Simple carbohydrates cause a spike in blood sugar levels and then a sharp drop. In these situations, the likelihood of "going wild" from hunger is very high.

Chips are a food that makes you hungry
Chips are a food that makes you hungry

№7 Chips

You can eat chips from time to time, especially if you are very busy and can't find anything else. But keep in mind that once you've eaten chips, you'll feel even hungrier than before. This is again due to the fact that carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly. This often leads to feeling hungry after eating. Try to eat something more nutritious, such as peanuts or almonds.

№8 Carbonated drinks

Many people resort to them when they are very thirsty, but keep in mind that cause severe hunger. They are full of sugar and this affects your blood sugar levels and insulin production. The same goes for carbonated drinks advertised as zero sugar products. If you are thirsty, it is best to drink water.

№9 Apples

Apples make us hungry
Apples make us hungry

These fruits are very good for health, but they are very sweet. This leads to increased production of insulin by the body, therefore to severe starvation. Of course, do not exclude apples from your menu, as they have many health benefits. But if you use them as a snack, add peanut or almond oil to them.

№10 Chewing gum

Chewing gum is not food. But did you know that chewing it can deceive your body that you are hungry. Chewing gum triggers the process of digestion, but since you do not swallow any food, your body begins to wonder what is happening. So after you've chewed gum, the chance to feel very hungry, is very large.
