They Feed Eastern Europe With Rubbish - Complete Nonsense

Video: They Feed Eastern Europe With Rubbish - Complete Nonsense

Video: They Feed Eastern Europe With Rubbish - Complete Nonsense
Video: Stuck at The Best Reviewed Hotel in the Soviet Union 2024, September
They Feed Eastern Europe With Rubbish - Complete Nonsense
They Feed Eastern Europe With Rubbish - Complete Nonsense

The issue of low-quality products, which are allegedly flooding Eastern Europe, has finally been addressed at a professional level. Experts are adamant - this is fake news number one for all time.

Recently, several Eastern European countries have complained that branded food products destined for their markets are of poorer quality than those sold in Western Europe. This prompted the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung to undertake a thorough investigation into the validity of these allegations.

The first prosecutor in March was Hungarian Agriculture Minister Sandor Fazekas. He presented a study prepared by the Hungarian Food Control Service. In it, she compared more than 70 products offered in Hungary and neighboring Austria.

Food for Eastern Europe
Food for Eastern Europe

The minister accused several international concerns that the products they offered to consumers in Eastern Europe were of lower quality and full of artificial colors and flavors. Accusations followed from the prime ministers of the Visegrad Four countries - Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

The reaction of many of the companies was immediate - they categorically denied that there was a reduction in quality. Experts are also adamant that there are no different standards for Eastern and Western Europe.


However, some companies, such as Nestle Hungary, have acknowledged that some products deliberately use modified recipes that take into account certain national preferences. However, this in no way affects their quality.

After a series of studies by Neue Zurcher, Zeitung concluded that Eastern Europeans consume as many quality branded products as Western consumers. According to them, all the accusations are baseless and most likely the result of political motives, which, however, are not hired to comment.
